Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of establishment of soc and dr infrastructure for siem under cams project
a. construction of drain with slab & cc road from gulkibari graveyard gate to professor sobhan saheb house in ward of brick drain with cc road from nuhu ali house to afroza mansion at health officers goli in ward of cc road from power station road akters shop to aftab uddin house in ward of brick drain infront of chorpara jamia islamia madrasha in ward of drain & cc road from dudmohal road to tania afrin house in ward no-08f. construction of service delivery center & others works at kotowali thana.
improvement of cc road from akua madrasha quarter rail crossing to senbari link road in ward no-06.
construction of hbb roadrcc retaining wall & guide wall infront of kalibari balu ghat in ward -09.b.improvement of kalibari balu ghat mosque aju khana in ward no-08. of brick drain with slab & cc road from amaderbari house to montu debnath house at gongadash guho road byelene near arrong in ward of drain with slab infront of councilor shirin house in ward no-10.
a. construction of drain with slab & cc road near nowmohal sunflower school in ward no-10.b. construction of drain with slab & cc road from fulbaria main roadpun bilash party center solaiman house to milon house via rois uddin house in ward no-12.c. construction of drain with slab & cc road from fulbaria main road bylane near eiatim khana razzak saheb house to razib house in ward no-12.d. construction of rcc road infront of upazila porishod gate to juel sp saheb house at dhopa khola in ward no-13.
a. construction of 200mm dia pvc pipe drain from swan house to bodor hazi house at chumragudam in word no-13.b. construction of cc road from dr.khalek saheb house to joly house at chorpara bylane in ward no-14.c. construction of 280mm dia pvc pipe drain from nayapara sehra khal to bulbul saheb house via nurul haque saheb house in ward no-27d. construction of drain with slab & cc road from ayub ali house to liton housenear jalu shop at maskanda in ward of rcc drain & guide wall from patgudam rhd drain to brammoputro riverch of boundary wall ms gateguard roomgardeningfootpath & parking area at patgudam bijoy chottor in ward no-18.
a. construction of drain with slab & cc road from apu house to runu junu house at db road bylane in ward no-16.b. construction of drain with slab & cc road from badol house to sultan saheb house at db road bylane in ward no-16.c. construction of brick drain & cc road infront of maruf house near dil rowson mosque at kistopur in ward no-18.d. construction of drain & cc road from nitress babu house to shahin saheb house via mojibor saheb house at patgudam bridge more in ward no-18
a. construction of soling road & site protection works in front of aynuddin saheb at fakira kanda in ward of cross drain & guide wall near akua morolbari graveyard in ward no-27.c.repairing & maintenance work of bc road from mymensingh-tangail bypass to habon bapary more via liton councilor house in ward of brick drain with cc road from nuru mistry house to akua khal at akua gurur khoer in ward no-28.
a. construction of drain & cc road from masum house to hannan house at akua dokkinpara in word no-28b. construction of 600 mm dia rcc pipe culvert at uttar dapunia bonderbari taltola more in ward no-29.c. repairing & maintenance work of bc road from mymensingh-tangail bypass to gohailkandi primary school at gondopa nur islam road in ward no-29.d. construction of rcc road & guide wall in front of councilor rafiqul islam house in ward no-28.