Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
supplying of spare parts for repairing of mitsubishi pajero jeep no. dhaka metro gha-13-2825 for kendua road sub-division under road division during the financial year 2020-2021.
supplying of spare parts for repairing of speed boat yahama-55 hp under the road division during the financial year 2020-2021.
procurement of calcium silicate heat insulation pipe cover & insulating board
construction of internal road of smrc batiaghata
a improvement of road from zazira boat ghat to 1-1/0 hormuz via hid kutub uddin ch.00m-913m by rcc solar road light and sewerage line alder konda up upazila keraniganj b improvement of road or brammongaon gc to brammongaon graveyard road via gccr road to wo mr. hannan ch.00m-605m by rcc and solar road light under konda up upazila keraniganj package no. ridkp/dhaka/kare-28/20-21
carrying work of electrical goods allocation of different store of bpdb under sales and distribution division-1
carring of allocated goods from various store of bpdb fro operation maintenance development & emergency work under s&d-1 division
construction of additional class room of khaturia hazipara gps under pedp4 upazila domar
construction of additional class room of bhogdaburi gohi miah gps under pedp4 upazila domar
construction of boundary wall including gate of primary school 1. barni 2. jamsherpur 2. mulagram 3. sayedabad uttar primary school