Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of multi storied residential flat for government officers/employees inside azimpur govt. colony dhaka. 2nd phase. sub-head land development works for the project area zone b. during the fy 2020-2021
repair of potholes depression undulation by semi grouting & seal coat work 1st km 3rd p 4th km & 5th p km of monohardi link road z 2049 under road division during the year 2020-2021.
clearing and grubbing bridge culvert approach at 32th km to 41th km. and cleaning washing brooming and taking away of debris from the site & clearing sewage or similar hazardous substances & removing to a safe place/ distances from drain work at 32th p 37th p k.m of gazipur-ajmatpur-itakhola road r-310 portion under road division during the year 2020-2021.
renovation of class roomoffice roomwashroomsteachers common roomcommon rooms library and auditorium
extension of r.c.c road patent stone work in 2nd floor roof south side tiles work and boundary wall painting work at gpufp site office.
ancillary electrical works including installation of air cooler fittings fixture internal wiring at extended part of visa application receiving centre at level 5 of main building of immigration and passport department at agargaon dhaka.
carriage of 80 feet single lane portable steel bridge psb from rhd sagorika stack yard chittagong to nagarghata ferry ghat including erecting and assembling of carried new bailey bridge and delauching of existing bailey bridge digholia end under rod division during the year 2020-2021.
rehabilitation of sinking & commissioning inverted irrigation equipment.
rehabilitation of sinking & commissioning normal irrigation equipment.
rehabilitation of sinking & commissioning inverted irrigation equipment.