Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of safety head gear leg shin guard leg shin guard oil for arms cleaning grease after arms life jacket flannel cloth body bag
construction of 2 storied commanding officer's residence with a office and a wating room in ground floor with 2 storied foundation in/c. internal sanitary & internal electrification works under '' the construction 7 rab complex project one at sirajgonj.
construction of 101 dilapidated thana building project in type plan for police department one at nagorpur in the district of tangail { sub. head :- thana building civil, sanitary & internal electrification) deep tube well, under ground water reservoir, internal rcc road & external electrification} during the financial year 2013-2014.
constructionofdistrictserverstationatbogra 3-storiedbuildingwith4-storiedfoundation)includingcivil,sanitary,eletrification,compoundroadandboundarywallundertheprojectofconstructionofupazillaandregionalserver station for electoral database cssed). during the year-2013-2014.
construction of chief judicial magistrate court building of 64 district head quarter in bangladesh.1st phase. 1 one) at magura civil, sanitary & water supply, underground water reservoir, pump house, deep tube well, drain apron, site development, boundary wall, approach road & internal electrification).
construction of 5-storied internee doctors dormitory female) building with 6-storied foundation including civil, sanitary & electrical work
construction of r.c.c. boundary wall with gate reception room, guard room, planter bed with grill on front side & boundary wall with barbed wire fencing on south side including site of r.c.c. boundary wall with barbed wire fencing on west side & r.c.c. retaining wall on north side.
construction of 19 regional passport offices one at tangail ) 3-storied passport office building with 4-storied foundation including sanitary & water supply arrangement, boundary wall with gate, generator room underground reservoir with pump house, internal electrification & other ancillary work, during the fy 2013-2014
construction of 5-storied internee doctors dormitory male) building with 6-storied foundation including civil, sanitary & electrical work
construction of bangladesh police muktijuddho jadughar at rajarbagh police line, dhaka in/c civil, internal & external sanitary & water supply, internal electrification, external electrification installation of sub station & standby generator, ht/lt cable & other electrical works as necessary), electro mechanical works fire detection, communication and fighting system, special audio visual system, air condition & ventilation works, intercom system etc.), gas connection, interior & furnishing works, outdoor display, boundary wall & gate, internal road & landscaping & other ancillary works under design-build & turn-key basis