Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
repair and maintenance of different roads footpath surface drain road median cross drain and different structure under engineering division zone-6 from work of financial year of 2020-2021.
construction of 05 nos single storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works under pedp-4 at different upazilla
supply of computer set
supply of tyre tube & flap
supply of off line ups
supply of portable instrument calibrator
supply 82 eighty two printer and 80 eighty scanner for head office at probashi kallyan bank.
supply installation and commissioning 230 two hundred and thirty personal computers and also supply installation and commissioning 13 thirteen laptop for head office at probashi kallyan bank
repairing work at 1st km to 8th km p ch.0000 to 7300 of shonargoan college - kaikerteck - nabiganj road z-1066 under road division during the fy 2020-2021.
minor maintenance of 140m long rcc girder bridge on nowabenki gc- khanpur r&h via bhetkhali gc road at chainage 25725m id 287862002 under shyamnagar upazila part-2 minor maintenance of 90m long rcc girder bridge on noabenki gc-harinagar gc via garez hat road at chainage 6020m id 287862004 under shyamnagar upazila part-3 minor maintenance of 7.5m long rcc box culvert on kazirhat r&h-sonabaria gc barik more road at chainage 5138m id 287432002 under kalaroa upazila part-04 minor maintenance of 7.0m long rcc box culvert on sona baria gc up office-gopinathpur r&h via boalia & goalchator bazar road at chainage 10417m id 287432008 under kalaroa upazila part-05 minor maintenance of 9.0m long rcc box culvert on sona baria gc up office-gopinathpur r&h via boalia & goalchator bazar road at chainage 11017m id 287432008 under kalaroa upazila part-06 minor maintenance of 7.0m long rcc box culvert on kaligonj rhd - khanpur rhd via kushlia & baliadanga gc road at chainage 11430m id 287472002 under kaligonj upazila