Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of road studs 1630 nos traffic signs 300 nos sign post 300 nos and directional sign 30 nos at different km of different roads under road division during the year 2020-2021.
supply of portable diesel pump
supplying furniture for chemistry department steel wooden shelf & physics department teachers room.
supply and installation of electric security light works at dr. m. a. rashid hall buet.
installation of underground cable laying from main sub-station to old academic building oab
supply & installation of electric security light works at dhakeswari quarter buet.
repair maintenance of bituminous road & drain from bandar fountain to road no 12 mosque including port market road.
repairing tiles work of eee head room at ece building buet.
construction of additional class room chor islampur gps under pedp4.
construction of additional class room nanguli gps under pedp4.