Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
development installation and commissioning of jute knowledge bank portal and apps
procurement of hardware materials for turbine maintenance division of apscl.
complete overhauling of forklift yale-2 yy-2 engine fuel pump net working of electriccircuit servicing of gear box alternator self starter braking system hydraulic system andaccessories on lump-sum contract basis.
supply and installation of laboratory equipment for the department of wre buet
construction of 2 storied rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works at different upozila of jashore district under primary education development program - 4 pedp 4 during the fy-2019-20.
construction of 2 storied rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works at different upozila of jashore district under primary education development program - 4 pedp 4 during the fy-2019-20.
construction of 2 storied rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works at different upozila of jashore district under primary education development program - 4 pedp 4 during the fy-2019-20.
construction of 2 storied rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt and boys and ft and girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing and electrical works at different upozila of jashore district under primary education development program - 4 pedp 4 during the fy-2019-20.
construction of electrical repair and maintenance work at police super office kishoreganj. f.y 2020-2021.
construction of additional class of deba chara government primary school under pedp4 project upazila jurachari district rangamati.