Latest and live tenders published in bhutan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies; office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers; computer equipment and supplies;word-processing machines;photocopying and printing equipment;post-office equipment;calculating and accounting machines;typewriters;parts and accessories of typewriters and calculating machines;various office equipment and supplies;data-processing machines;digital cartography equipment;computer hardware;software;computer systems;servers
supply of dairy products; food products and beverages;milk and cream;butter;cheese products;assorted dairy products
supply of various types of pulp, paper and paper products;pulp, paper and paperboard;pulp;paper and paperboard;paper or paperboard articles;corrugated paper or paperboard;household and hospital paper articles;paper stationery and other items;wallpaper and other coverings;cigarette paper and filter paper
building construction work; works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work; plumbing and sanitary works;
building installation work; construction work;electrical installation work;insulation work;plumbing and sanitary works;fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work;mechanical installations
supply of furniture
supply of occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories; clothing and accessories; handicraft and art supplies;occupational clothing;special workwear;workwear accessories;handicraft supplies;art supplies
supply of rwss materials
hiring of machinery
supply of office and school furniture