Latest and live tenders published in japan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of wiley online library electronic journals 1 set
waste disposal of pcb 1 set
supply of wireless network equipment for byod environment 1 set
supply of wide acceptance angle hemispherical electron analyzer system 1 set
purchasing engine monitor and controll equipment 1 set as well as 4 piecies, purchasing switchboard 1 set as well as 4 piecies, supercharger 4 sets as well as 641 piecies
construction work of the superstructure of the kubokawasagadoro kumai tunnel, bconstruction work of the superstructure of the tsushimadoro tsushimaminami ic ramptunnel
supply of motor-free individually ventilated cage system 1 set, ultrasonic brain function measuring device 1 set, uninterruptible power supply and storage battery 1 set, autopsy table system 1 set
volumes of customer special action record
supply of arbitrary waveform generator 1 set
supply of automatic injections dispensing system 1 set