Latest and live tenders published in japan. Click on any tender to view further details.
economic conditions survey and census of manufacture 1 set
supply of time of flight mass spectrometer 1 set
transportation of move luggage by staff’s personnel changes 1 set
supply of vacuum cleaner, chair rotary, office desk, folding chair, bookshelf, filing cabinet, desk, clothing locker, fireproof safe
various securities special printing machine reconstruction : 1 set
supply of waveguide with rf monitor port for c-band accelerator 1 set
bubble window assy 2ea and 101ea purchases. lease and maintenance of the terminal of aircraft maintenance management subsystem. fork lift 5 trucks purchases.
construction work of the seppugawa bashi nishi, hidaka expressway, niikappu town, hokkaido, japan, construction work of the seppugawa bashi higashi, hidaka expressway, niikappu town, hokkaido, japan
supply of lease and maintenance of 128 sets naccs personal computer and another one. build and management of “mda situational indication linkages system”. feasibility study on the principle development of ship classification and indentification using machine learning for sar images.
supply of oa desk other 51 items fully automatic washing machine, 5? other 18 items