Latest and live tenders published in japan. Click on any tender to view further details.
solid de-icing agents sodium chloride in the sapporo development and construction department area attention : as the scheduled supply of solid de-icing agents is the expected quantity based on the past record of supplies, it does not guarantee the actual supplied amount
supply of desks and chairs for lecture room 1 set, b electronic auction automated elisa system with ultra sensitivity 1 set
supply of 4-dimensional tissue imaging system 1 set,
supply of computer system for spatial information base 1 set
supply and demand of heavy oil a kind of oil : a, use for boilers for sapporo prison etc. a term : from october, 2019 to november, 2019. estimated quantity : 320, 000 liters.
supply of fuel oil jis class 1 no.2 kushiro area 250 kl, fuel oil jis class 1 no.2 iwamizawa area 200 kl
supply of implantable left ventricular assist system heartmate3 or its equivalent 3 sets, implantable left ventricular assist system hvad or its equivalent 1 set
supply of electricity to be used in yamagata central post office, japan post co., ltd
supply of volumes of frozen transport box large and other item
supply of cubic metre to be used in shinsendai post office, japan post co., ltd