Latest and live tenders published in japan. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction work at the new saitama prefectural pediatric care center
purchase of low sulfur diesel fuel group b) 1,020 kl scheduled)
purchase of low sulfur diesel fuel group c) 1,520 kl scheduled
purchase of low sulfur diesel fuel group d) 1,460 kl scheduled)
water and sewerage total management system relationship forms delivery for fiscal 2014 unit-price contract)
large-scale digital displays 62inches*12) and the complete set of peripheral equipment
1 set of magnetic resonance imaging system mri)
supply of vane wheel multi-jet type water meters 13mm long) unit:9,000
supply of vane wheel multi-jet type water meters 20mm) unit:8,000
1 set of broadcasting equipment for okayama city local subscriber network