Latest and live tenders published in oman. Click on any tender to view further details.
pest control services inside the apartments of taminat complex in muscat - bawshar
providing 1 workers to work on a project for the integrated management of the red palm weevil insect in musandam governorate dibba state
providing 1 workers to work on a project for the integrated management of the red palm weevil insect in musandam governorate dibba state
trichogramma needs for the 2021 season - safety tools for the biological control program of pomegranate moth for the 2021 season.
supplying and installing water pipes for watering animals at the animal production research station, rumais
furniture of research laboratory at livestock research center
management, operation and maintenance of internal government research farms
cleaning and servicing the building of general directorate of agricultural and animal research, animal health center and plant health center rumais
supply of document preservation folder
rehabilitation of the agricultural development department in gofa wilayat sadah