Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of shah hyundai 9402 replacement ring sleeve valve guide main big end bearing engine bearing oil water pump fan belt oil filter fuel filter air filter set hose baring cam brush rod bush foundation thrist timing belt nozzele road bush valve cam shaft heater router cone balde pump kit goveneor delivery valve cam shaft etc said
supply of hsfo & lsfo
supply of automatic voltage regulator (avr) diode for rectifier assembly automatic voltage regulator (avr)air filterdiode for rectifier assembly exhaust e for 7.5 kva diesel generatorinlet valve for 7.5 kva dieselgeneratorrocker arm complete with bracket. injector nozzle plunger with delivery lve .5kva diesel generatorplunger with delivery valve 10kva diesel generatorring set for 7.5 kva dieselgeneratorbig and bearing step-1 orconnecting d 7.5 kva diesel generatorbig and bearing standard for connecting rod 7.5 kva diesel generatorfuel filter for 10 kva lgeneratorlube oil filter or kva diesel generator rubber mounting pads v-belt pully for
supply of makino spindle lubricant / oil
supply of para -1 above
water treatment chemical for cooling tower and chilled water
supply of dining table, dining chairs
miscellaneous works for upgrading export cargo
procurement of computer hardware and storage
construction of friction of type pile foundation at 132kv sdt hala road-mirpurkhas t/line at hala road grid station end