Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
ditching and backfilling brt peshawar project.
supply of hardware material
honey bee, parapodia of nereis
binocular compound microscope, glassware petridish, glassware culture plate, test tubes, dissware tray, gloves, tast tube stands, mounting rack, mounting rack bottles
supply of stationary, miscellaneous, computer, consumables items and toners
gram positive bacteria, gram nrgative bacteria, nostoc colony, nostoctrichome, volvox
provision of unit furniture against
provison of unit furniture against
binocular compound microscope, glassware petridish, glassware culture plate, test tubes, dissware tray, gloves, tast tube stands, mounting rack, mounting rack bottles
gram positive bacteria, gram nrgative bacteria, nostoc colony, nostoctrichome, volvox