Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of sid cable, g.s.wier, disc insulater, pin insulater
supply of steel structure, steel cross arm, pin for steel cross arms.
supply of spun hollow pole, phase static meter.
supply of cement
procurement of computer stationary, consumables of ricoh printer 2090/210s, consumabres of ltne pr|nters, server, desktop computer, prter, hardware and other media items fpart 15 x l1 fpart 9.5x 11 pi€-primcd dco/ero 15, x 5.5, a4 paper 210x297 mm -p.inh e/8ill form geni pr€-printed e/b t form mdt
consumables of hith speed t-aser prlnter rtcoh 8200dn consumables of line printers, senver desktop computer & printer
abnormal repair renewal of internal electric wiring of dock center, abnormal repair replacement of power house sub station at greater pnad, replacement of lp air ring main system
sycon, spongilla, euspongia, chalina, physalia, millipora, aurelia, tubiora, astraea, pennatula, meandrina, planaria, fasciola, hepatica, taeniasolium, ascarislumbricoides, aphrodite, sabella, pheretimaposthuma, hirudinariagranulosa, aphripatus, peripatus, julus, limulus, balanus, sacculina, squilla, palaemon, cancer, cypris, lucifer, chiton, patella, aplysia, doris, mytilus, pectin, unio, sepia, loligo, dentalium, haliotis, murex, antedon, asterias, ophiodema, holothurasia, belostoma, ophiothrix, ophiodema, papiliodemoleus, mantis, apis, nlepisma, nepa, muscadomestica
supply of pressure sensor
honey bee, parapodia of nereis