Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
director general wapda house lahore invited sealed bids from original manufacturers authorized distributors suppliers registered with income tax and sales tax department
required to be carried out for establishment of repair facility at hq fost provision of spilt ac, floor tillng false celling glass door, window and iron grills, electric wiring paneling including led lights, masory and cement work.
supply of stationary, furniture, wood and metal works, general orders suppliars, computer and equipments and civil works and work for the financial.
supply of stationary and other miscellaneous items.
gas transmission and distribution company, invited sealed bids from the original manufacturers, authorized, distributors, dealers, suppliers.
petty and other works, renovation replacement works and annual repair work in office building and postal colony
supply of front cabin denting & painting & water tank replacement.
interested foreign suppliers manufacturers or their authorized local agengts may get tender documents.
supply and installation of cooling tower grids, supports, spacers, cable clamps and hanger wires at compressor station
sealed bids on prescribed pec bidding document based on composite schedule of rate for the under mentioned works are invited by the divisional superintendent.