Latest and live tenders published in pakistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of black top road killi thump road to killi norozabad - i & killinorozabad –ll, district kharan
construction of drain and footpath on gulberg road, re-construction of drain and footpath from mall road saddr road, construction of footpath along sher shah soori road, remodeling of drain and construction of footpath on shami road, remodeling of drain and footpath in street no 3 shami raod, provision /installation of sodium 250 w street light at the internal strret of sadder, improvement /installation of sodium 250w street lights at club chowk, provision /installation od sodium 250w street lights at 68 the mall, provision /installation of sodium 250w street lights with proper pole at remaining portion of chotti lal kurti, provision .installation of sodium 250w street lights with proper pole at basher lane, provision /installation of sodium 250w street lights with proper pole and wiring at hamdard, imperial street and 17 saddar road, provision /installation of sodium 250 w street lights with proper pole at from road from head quartyer chowk, provision /installation of sodium 250 w street lights with proper pole at mall road, provision /installation of sodium 250 w street lights with proper pole at artillery road, provision /installation of sodium 250 w street lights with proper pole at michni road, provision /installation of sodium 250 w street lights with proper pole and wiring at street no 19, 03 and canal road doc shami road, provision /installation of sodium 250 w street lights with proper pole and wiring at haya-ud-din road
procurement of dc battery charger
annual maintenance /repair of cantt building, annual maintenance /repair of cantt fund roads through plant carpet, annual maintenance /repair of cantt fund drainage /sewerage, annual maintenance /repair of cantt fund water supply, annual maintenance /repair of misc public improvement works i.e footpath, centre medians, beautification works, parks, monuments.flower beds, fountains and electrification
supply of introduction letter / company profile / organizational profile / management information contact details in case of emergency /recruitment, verification and training information / track record and experience cerificates
supply of armored 3 core cable to pmdc collieries sor-range. quetta.
four to five rooms including halls drawing/dinning/& lounges > rooms should be specious > car parking for at least 03 vehicles along with lawn. > must be ready to move in. > easy access from main roads and should be within the municipal limits of gilgit.
supply of fireproof cabinet for backup tapes
supply of ball point blue > ball point red > waste paper basket > ball signo gel ink > calculator 10 digit > paper weight marble > dak book 96 pages > duster cotton white > floor duster > bath brush > dispenser tape medium size > dak pad rexine > envelops se 5 > eraser > diary register > file board a-4 size > file tray > fax roll panasonic 210mm x 30mm > gum stick > gum bottle > glint 500 ml > ink dollar > lead pencil > white board marker > paper pin >
supply of filter / welder tool kits