Latest and live tenders published in singapore. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of the following lasers: coherent sapphire 488nm laser; coherent sapphire 561nm laser; and coherent obis 405nm lx laser
layout, design, construct & install furniture & fixture for ict lab 2
appointment of agency to manage writers scheme for s.u.r.e. portal, national library board
supply of video, lighting and audio equipment for video and audio recording. pls refer to attached specs.
supply of chinese 24 festival drums lessons for year 4 students
woodlands ring primary school - requires quotes for 4 units of 3m pico or equivqlent pocket-sized mobile projector
to procure a malay dance instructor for punggol primary school for the year 2014.
p6 mathematics olympiad training
engagement of consultant id) to provide renovation feasibility study to existing premises at iseas.
supply of 12 x 3g / 4g usb dongle modem huawei e3276 lte category 4 dongle) - our ref: pr 2013101214