Latest and live tenders published in singapore. Click on any tender to view further details.
mee toh school: music appreciation programme choir and music history) for pupils in primary 2. please see attached for details
mee toh school: provision of 160 hours 1 hour per session per class per week x 16 sessions) of mosaic art lessons for pupils in primary 1 10 classes of 30 pupils each) inclusive of art materials required.
supply and commissioning of one unit of micro/nano wear tester to the school of mechanical and aerospace engineering mae
invitation to quote - supply to amis instructor to conduct handchime module for music for p1 to p4 classes at guangyang primary school.
providing of mee toh sch: robotics instructor for 2014.
supply and replacement of signages at national archives singapore and memories at old ford factory
an invitation to quote for improvement rainwater drainage system at queenstown public library
supply and delivery of synology expansion units
proposal for new media programme for p5 gep irs-media pupils 2014)
supply / provision of printing and binding: asean-japan relations, reprint of 50 casebound books, 6x9, 304pp