Latest and live tenders published in singapore. Click on any tender to view further details.
providing of customized course: "vacuum casting training" - 2 days training for 6 pax to be held on 6-7 may 2013. our ref:pr 2012101429
supply and provision of typesetting and layout for sojourn: journal of social issues in southeast asia 3 issues per year: july 2013, november 2013 and july 2014 issues)
provision of costumes for rhythmic gymnastics 2013
services of traffic impact assessment for proposed public housing development at kallang whampoa contract 10 and kallang whampoa contract 28b
providing of creative writing skills for primary 5 pupils
singing enrichment programme
supply of uav spares refrigeration system)
providing of life enrichment seminar - pre-retirement seminar for moe education officers.
invitation to quote for the provision of courier service for a period of one 1) year to collect and deliver feedback forms
supply and installation new curtains at primary hall in methodist girls school primary)for 2013.