Latest and live tenders published in singapore. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply and delivery of hospital ward linen
providing of rebounding classes for dpp 2014
water sports programmes - kayaking for sec 1nt students & dragonboating for sec 3nt students
east view secondary school staff buffet lunch 2014. pls see attachment.
nanyang pr - provision of part-time school counsellor
magazine subscription for outram secondary school's reading programme 2014.
provision of omnidirectional lavalier 2014
chij katong convent would like to invite quotation for concert band instructors from feb 2014 to 31 dec 2014. please read through the attachments and quote us accordingly. please complete annex a3 and a4 and submit via gebiz, together with your quotation. please furnish comprehensive details of your proposed instructors when your submit your proposal for this itq. please quote how much do you charge for half an hour of your service
supply & installation of fume extraction system
invitation to tender for marketing agent services for the leasing of vacant commercial premises for ministry of national development mnd) for a period of one 1) year with an option to renew for a period up to twelve 12) months