Latest and live tenders published in singapore. Click on any tender to view further details.
time-out programme for sec 2 students opal)
quotation for the services of registered inspector m&e fire safety works) for the proposed building works at bukit panjang neighbourhood 5 contract 15 total: 682 dwelling units)
provision of design services for hdb collaterals
provision of i) 1 main instructor ii) 1 assistant instructor for gamelan ensemble cca term 1&2 2014)for school;compose two contrasting music pieces for syf 2014 for pupil performance,compose add'l music pieces & train pupils for other performances when required, introduce & expose pupils on culture & values of ethnic musical instruments & performance etiquette.
supply and delivery of tablet casings and screen protectors
west spring secondary school is looking for an instructor for chinese drums training.
supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of one unit mass spectrometry system to the department of biological sciences, national university of singapore
proposed additions and alterations to existing block lt23 and s10 for a new students cafe cum students center phase 1) and new erection of students' canteen phase 2) for faculty of science on lot 04343a mk 03 at science drive 2 within nus
sec 1 chinese news film making course for chung cheng high school main)
provision of instructor for string ensemble coaching and viola individual coaching qty: 1 coach; period: jan 2014 to dec 2014)