Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.

1201 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15555991
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  18 Apr, 2019

checking, caliration and certification on elow mentioned insulation testers checking, caliration and certification of oscilloscope, checking, caliration and certification on microhmmeter, checking, caliration and certification on multimeters, checking, caliration and certification on digital earth tester, checking, caliration and certification on laser temperature gun, checking, caliration and certification on clamp on meters

1202 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15556037
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  18 Apr, 2019

supply of machining of ductile iron rods od 30-32 to od 29 x length 310. 250nos for vacuum system at l desal, machining of ductile iron rods od 30-32 to od 29 x length 310. 100nos for vacuum system at l desal.

1203 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15550173
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 Apr, 2019

rectification of diesel engine controller at cmps 132kv sustation make: tornatech sap order no: 520413592 scope of work: visit site and check the controller replace of i/o oard upgrade 2viz004 to 2viz016. replace of vizitouch display upgrade 2viz004 to 2viz016 . replace of circuit reaker upgrade 2viz004 to 2viz016. normalize the controller warranty : one year for site visit and ptw, con tact mr. rajagopalan 04-3221182, 050-8789396

1204 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15550185
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Apr, 2019

modification & rearrangement of existing racks including provision of additional shelves 48 nos. heavy duty cross eams 2400mm gi pan els size: 300x900mm. final measurements to e taken y the supplier at site in warsan admin uilding. scope: dismantling, re-arrangem ents of existing racks and provision of additional shelves in each rack.

1205 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15550215
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Apr, 2019

supply of valve, all valve, complete assemly without actuator, are stem, make: ac, type: pqr, model: t 200 12 300, single piece, dn 10 inc h, 300 l, ody: wcc, flanged, flange to flange distance 457 mm, pcd 387 mm, no. of olts 16, for ph-2 ic ngprs

1206 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15550236
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Apr, 2019

supply of universal cale stripper for large difficult cale insulation ø >45mm av6240 ams maxi, rand - inter cale. or equivalent

1207 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15550238
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Apr, 2019

supply of universal cale stripper for primary insulation ø 15- 52mm 17230 ims ii, rand - inter cale. or equivalent

1208 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15550277
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  16 Apr, 2019

supply of stainless steel heavy-duty open/close type shoe rack 3/4 compartments open type sixe 90h*60w*40d sample picture attached

1209 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15550293
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  16 Apr, 2019

m-station desal required refurishment of dn #250 utterfly control valve - shock dosing control valve. qty: 1 no. work scope 1 collection & delivery of material from m-station desal 2 repairing / refurishment of valve. including painting of valve 3 hydro test to e done. 4 warranty for the jo to e provided for more details / 048161608 senthilkumar.t@dewa.g / 048161629

1210 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15550316
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Apr, 2019

scope of work for tank 3e ff line replacement 1.0#scope of work 1.#supply & installation of firefighting gi seamless pipes & fit tings for the fuel oil day tank 2.#removal of existing damaged pipes and fitting from the tank 3e 3.#removal of old pipe & fittings, installation, coating and testing of gi seamless pipes, fittings and nozzles for water spray cooling system and foam suppression sy stem # firefighting system 4.#pressure testing, painting, supports if required for the installed system 5.#attery limit is from the tanks top nozzles until the existing isolation/deluge valve connection piping. 6.#supply of men, machine, tools, equipment and consu males 7.#includes moilization, demoilization, transport, food and accommodation 8.#take field measurements prior topreparation of f arication where possile, to ensure proper fitting of the work. 9.#prior to start of work, carefully inspect the other neary installa tions to prevent damages. 10.#preassemle items in the farication yard to the greatest extent possile 11.#touchup lemished or unprote cted surfaces with primer. 12.#proper storage of materials to ensure protection against damage. 13.#immediately after erection, clea n field weld joints and olted connections. 14.#in the event of discrepancies, immediately notify dewa engineer. 15.#do not proceed w ith farication or installation in areas of discrepancies until all such discrepancies have een fully resolved. 16.#work force handli ng; work supervision, safety of the plant and staff. 17.#after completion of work

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