Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.

1281 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549765
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Apr, 2019

dcs module power supply refurishment model# ipsys01 5 nos

1282 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549778
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Apr, 2019

hydrogen cylinder refilling, performing pressure test and painting of cylinders, purity 99.999%, pressure: 200 ar, 64kg, volume 10m3, hydro test certificate for all cylinders with cylinder numer and validity to e provided. cylinders to e collected from l2 i&c work shop and returned ack again after reffiling. contact person saravanan 0552605069.

1283 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549807
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Apr, 2019

supply and farication of wooden locks for e station generator removal and insertion work as per sample. dimentions shall e as per at tached drawing. vendor shall visit the site to familiarize himself aout the jo. mr. ali ragaey shall e contacted on 055-2028851 fo r the details. this enquiry may e sent to tecsol internation alongwith others.

1284 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549815
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Apr, 2019

services for refurishment of rass seal for e1 generator earing of aeg generator, for one set top half and ottom half of sealing. s eal dimensions and shaft dimensions are attached in pr.

1285 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549827
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Apr, 2019

m- station, d#43 uv protective coating required for grp pipes of sea water reject system, potale service water system, dp system, va cuum system, rp system, distillate system, rine heater condensate system, evaporator acid cleaning system, arometric pit system, evapo rator drain pipes/ sea water recirculation system. please contact : / 0557954367 for measurement and ot her details site visit is compulsory

1286 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549833
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Apr, 2019

repair of electronic cards& defective processing device ·#repairing of elow electronic cards and processing unit shall e done along with sumitting individual report including the replacement of defective parts and performance test after repairing. six month guara ntee shall e provided for all the repaired cards and processing unit and shall e applicale from the date of inspection. ·the faulty cards & defective device shall collected/ deliver from/to emd workshop #g station dewa jeel ali. # ## the prospective idder s may visit the site to fully understand the jo scope. plant/site visit and pre-id clarification correspondence shall e communicated to mr. mahmoud, sr .engineer-em g tele: 04-8044694, mo: 0553856788, with copy to mr. ramasuramanian m-em g, list of cards & device kks#description#quantity# a108#power supply module card#3# a14#control panel card#3# processing unit#processing unit#1# motor protector relay #telemechanic lt8#1#

1287 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549834
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  16 Apr, 2019

printing & supply of supply of preventive maintenance service record sheet card as per sample attached for the sample & further details; kindly contact mr ahmad oaid khalfan al mazrooei on 04 3229731 or 04-3229733q

1288 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549844
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Apr, 2019

1. the duration of this contract will e for two 02 years, startseptemer 2019 till july 2021, from actual commencement date and ag reedterms, conditions & payment shall e valid firm and inding on him forentire duration of contract.2. contractor has to quote pric e for trip per day per us as and whenrequired, and contractor has to quote for per extra hour if tripexceeding 8 hours. trip timing will e from 6:00am to 6:00pm any 8hours.3. payment to contractor shall e made on monthly asis for numer oftrips made in a month w ith authorized signature from dewa end userevidence.4. dewa representative shall inform contractor for arrangement ofus/trip one day in advance as and when required and contractor has toensure timely provision of us according to requirement of dewaacademy.5. to ensure timely pick & drop of students, a #format# shall emaintained in each us and date & timings of pick & drop shall erecorded in same, and to e signed y designated staff of dewa.6. in case of failure to comply with timings, dewa shall have right todeduct 50 % of trip amount from monthly invoice of contractor.7. the quoted prices shall e deemed to e all driver, fuel, salik, parking fees, vat etc. inclusive.8. the contractor shall provide same year models or one year old modeluses only. vehicles must e clean, tidy and roadworthy for duration ofcontract.9. ensuring full insurance coverage for vehicle, all passengers anddriver.10. the drivers s hall not indulge in any sort of argument with studentsut shall report matter/dispute, if any, to dewa academy#sconcernedauthorities .11. in case of any reakdown to vehicle/us, immediate roadsideassistance will e provided y contractor.12. dewa academy shall have the right to terminate contract if thecontractor fails to rectify any failure or reach of its contractualoligations even after issue of two consecutive warnings from dewaacademy.13. this contract shall e construed and in all respects e governed ylaws and regulati ons of emirate of duai, and to extent that the sameare applicale therein, laws and regulations of united ara emiratesand shall e s uject to jurisdiction of courts in duai.14. strict compliance of rta rules & regulations meant for studenttransportation. in case o f any amiguities/lapses in this regard, contractor shall e fullyresponsile without causing any inconvenienceor cost whatsoever to de wa academy.15. all vehicle/us must have cctv camera installed and they will e inproper working condition.16. all vehicle/us must h ave gps # tracking route system installed anddewa representative will have privilege as well as authority to monitoreach vehicle/us location, at all times.

1289 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549857
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Apr, 2019

conservation award armani hotel /on 2rd may 2019 event capture & edit: -#photographer -#videographer with equipment -#crane equipm ent and live feed -#video edit post event - 90 secs upto 2 versions sounds, lights & av: -#sound system powered speakers # qsc k1 0 8 rcf powered su yamaha ls 9 digital mixer 1 podium mic # mx 418 dc 18# 2 shure ulxd lighting system fresnel 2k clay paky spot mh 700 clay paky sharpy on floor led pro wash 360 mh led city color pre function sound & light truss # goal post & t columns -#led p ixel indoor -#proccessor & connectors -#analogway # ascender -#automation for led screens for more information please contact mrs, r eem alsat or thank you

1290 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :15549893
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  16 Apr, 2019

complete overhauling of ooster pump for jeel ali haa dp pump. pump details: makedrakos polemis, model: asn-ev250-510 capacity: 9 50 m3/hr head: 60m rpm: 1450 please contact mr. noor uddin 052-9172523 for further clarification. technical specif ications 1.0#introduction duai electricity & water authority dewa owns and operates potale water ooster pumping stations at vari ous locations of duai. these ooster pumping stations along with their accessories are maintained regularly and taken out of service in a planned sequence mostly in winter to carry out the preventive maintenance, inspections & overhauling etc. 2.0#scope of work t he scope of work mandatory & optional for the overhaul of ooster pumps and their accessories of ooster pumping station. a#the contractor has to take the pump assemly from dewa site to their workshop & vice versa. dewa shall not provide any transport to shift t he same. for loading & unloading contractor can use dewa overhead crane availale at pumping stations in coordination with the dewa representatives. #mechanical seal replacement, coupling ush renewal & gland packing renewal, earing replacement as required. c#ove rhauling of pump see annexure i-mandatory & ii-optional d#painting of pump externally e#rectification of the pump for any compla int rose after installation. f#if any part is found defective, the contractor has to repair/replace the same. availale spare shall e supplied y dewa. if any spare is not availale with dewa the contractor has to arrange the same. additional cost of spareto e sumi tted to dewa for approval efore placing the order. 3.0#prior to sumission of quotation, the following shall e determined carefully: a#the contractor shall visit the site and make himself fully familiar with the work scope, plant access facilities, complexities, etc., efore sumitting the quotation. #dewa will not accept any claim for extras eyond the order rates / prices during and after t he execution of work ordered. c#the contractor will e provided with the equipment shutdown program in coordination with operation & maintenance department of water division. d# the contractor should sumit the time schedule /ar chart indicating each activity. e#on completion of the work, the inspection checklist of qualityprocedures, wherever applicale should e filled in and sumitted. f #site supervision, co-ordination of field activities, supply of required technicians, tools, equipments, tackles etc. required for execution of the contract works shall e suitaly considered. 4.0#take over on completion of all work within the scope of the contra ct, for acceptance of the maintenance work, contractor shall notify dewa in writing. a certificate of completion will e issued y dew a on final inspection only when the contract work is deemed to have een taken over y dewa after necessary condition monitoring check s wherever & whenever required. 5.0#warranty a#all the work carried out shall carry a warranty for 8000 hours of operation or 1 y ear whichever is earlier. #the guaranteewill take effect from the date of takeover y dewa of the jo carried out y the contractor. c#when a defect is noticed during the period of warranty, the contractor must rectify the defect within a reasonale amount of tim e fixed y dewa with no claim or compensation. 6.0#documents: # on satisfactory completion of the work & handing over, the contract or should sumit the following to dewa. ## a#inspection report. #overhaul report. c#jo completion repor t for jos other than routine inspection & overhauls d##as-fitted# ill of materials for consumption of spares e#requisition for p lanning of spares y dewa ased on current condition of the equipment for which maintenance work was taken up. annexure # i detail sc ope of work mandatory for overhaul theooster pump of pumping station 01#dismantling of the pump#dismant ling of the pump as per dewa engineer#s instruction# ##pump shall e removed as per sequence with skilled workmanship & care.# 02#o verhauling of pump#the contractor shall dismantle the complete rotating assemly at their workshop and record all findings in a track sheet with photographs of deteriorated components.# ##the contractor has to check for shaft straightness and identify worn-out area s if any. reconditioning of the shaft shall e carried out in compliance with the latest standards & procedures.# ##the contractor ha s to check the impeller thoroughly for any reconditioning required. # ##earing condition to e checked & replace the earings if required. # ##mechanical seal / gland sleeve condition to e checked & to e replaced if required.# ##wear rings dimensions to e checked fo r clearance & to e replaced if required.# ##if any part is found defective, the contractor has to repair/replace the same. availale spare shall e supplied y dewa. if any spare is not availale with dewa the contractor has to arrange the same. additional cost of spa re to e sumitted to dewa for approval efore placing the order.# ##pump casing shall e cleaned & inspected for any damages. if requir ed damage surface to e required y sandlasting & coating with food grade epoxy.# 03#assemly of the equipment#assemly of the equipment to e carried out as per standard procedure & maintain the fit & clearance as per manual. # ##dynamically alance therotor assemly a s per iso1940/1 alance quality grade g 2.5/g1.0 wherever possile or check the alancing of the individual items.# ##prepare the recor d for the activities carried out.# ##deviation to the set #values# shall e decided y dewa. # annexure # ii detail scope for machinin g works optional 01#impeller machining works#impeller grit lasting & ndt to find out any cracks exist# ## impeller skimming on oth sides of wear ring areas & fix new ring and secure# 02#shaft machining works#shaft chrome plating on earing seating areas & machining# ##shaft chrome plating on mechanical seal seating areas & machining# ##shaft worn out place metal reuild ing & machining# ##shaft end straightening up to 4thou maximum end# 03#earinghousing machining works#de earing housing ore machin ing & resleeving # ##nde earing housing ore machining & resleeving # 04#mechanical seal face#machining and repairing of pump top and ottom casings halves on mechanical seal face# 05#pump casings#skimming and grooving of oth suction and discharge flanges on pump ca sing# 06#consumale accessories & fittings#manufacturing of mechanical seal cooling pipe-fittings, shaft lock nut, lock washer and re taining ring, dowell pins, earing spacer, holding down olts and earing housing gaskets etc. supply of all types of o-rings.# 7.0#ma chining works: all the machining works shall e carried out in compliance with the latest standards & procedures. prior approval shal l e taken from dewa engineer, eforecarrying out any kind of machining works

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