Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.

1491 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14120522
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

m-station desal required repairing of motor for the acid arrel pump used for transferring of hcl acid in clo2 skid & waste water tre atment plant. qty: 2 nos. work scope 1 collection & delivery of pump from mstation # desal 2 complete repairing of motor 3 repairing report need to e sumitted. for more details / 048161629 / 048161608

1492 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14120559
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

order no: 520321119 rectification of fps diesel engine at car complex carx 400kv sustation. engine details : duetz usa model: dfp6-1013-c20 scope of work:# replacement of faulty manual/automatic starter contactor.# any additional spares required shall e inc luded in the offer. check and test all wiring connections for engine and controller.# test and commissioning of the engine and diese l pump after completion. warranty: 12 months from the date of completion for site visit and ptw, contact mr. aaron 04-3229340, 055 -2651235. other enquiries, contact mr. aneez 04-3221323, 055-9660850, 1#order no: 520335306 rectification of fire pump controller handle mechanism at hospital hspl 132kv sustation. pump controller d etails: tornatech canada, model:gpy-400-150-3.50 scope of work: rectification of fire pump controller handle mechanism. all requir ed spares shall e included in the offer. warranty: 12 months from the date of completion for site visit and ptw, contact mr. aaron 04-3229340, 055-2651235. other enquiries, contact mr. aneez 04-3221323, 055-9660850, order no: 520247207 rectification of overheating of drive end earings in fire pumps at mirdiff mrdf 132kv sustation. make: spp uk, model: kp12x scope of work: rectify the overheating issue with fire pump earings. all required spares shall e included in the off er. pump performance test to e done after rectification to confirm the rectification. warranty: 12 months from the date of rectifica tion for site visit and ptw, contact mr. aaron 04-3229340, 055-2651235. otherenquiries, contact mr. aneez 04-3221323, 055-9660850

1493 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14120569
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  09 Sep, 2018

supply of slidex legionella kit, iomerieux ec, 73120, 50 test

1494 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14113386
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Sep, 2018

to carryout complete farication, supply and installation of dismantling type hand rails and toe plates, phase#2 rp discharge line tr enches of desalination units. idder shall e ensure supplied materials should e suitale for present harsh sea water environmental con dition. scope of work to carryout complete farication, supply and installation of dismantling type hand rails and toe plates, phase# 2 rp discharge line trenches of desalination units, actual volume of the work shall e checked and confirmed y the idder after site s urvey. further to the survey the idder shall provide detailed procedures with activity reakdown including method statement and risk assessment for the scope of work.# site visit can e made any working day from sunday to thursday, etween 07:30 and 14:30hours with prior appointment from concerned department manager of dewa. contact engineers details. mohammad rafi 0529740743/048044505 zaid hussain: 0505805854/048044505 a.#surface to e coated shall e thoroughly washed using clean w ater to remove all adherent salts, chemical fumes, dust, etc. prior to last cleaning. # .#moisture and oil separators shall e used y the contractor for lasting should e checked every 6 hourly and as and when needed for contamination. contaminated filters/separator s should e changed immediately. c.#surface should e free from sharp edges, chemicals, dust, solule salts, grease & oil or any other contamination prior to coating. d.#prepared surface shall meet the requirements of sa 2.5 as per iso 8501e.#any surface adjoini ng the existing coating, the coated surface shall e roughened to aout 25 mm for etter adhesion of newly applied coatings to existing coating. f.#last cleaned surface shall e coated with one complete application of primer as soon as practicale or efore any discolo ration occurs on the surface.# g.#any crevices, minor scratches shall e filled with coating manufacturer recommended fillers prior to applying the coatings. h.#coating application shall e y airless spray only i.#applied coat shall have minimum dry film thicknes s on each coat. during coating application wet film thickness, if applicale, shall e measured to confirm desired dft will e achieved . # j.#where coating is to e applied y rush or roller contractor to ensure smoothfinal appearance with negligile rush marks left i n the applied coating.# k.#any spots or repairs in application shall e completely coated efore the next coat is applied, within recoat interval time.# l.#corners and edges of the surface shall e rounded to a radius of 25mm y grinding prior to application of coa tings. m.#topcoat color should e as per the existing color code only and any changes will e notified to the contractor. n.#repairi ng and remedial works on identified defects shall e according to the touch up and repair recommendations of coating manufacturer onl y. # o.#environment condition shall e checked and recorded efore starting of work and every 2 hourly on same day till the completio n of work. general conditions forenvironment condition shall e as elow:-# i.#surface temperature shall e etween 10oc and 40oc ii.# relative humidity shall e less than 85%. iii.#surface temperature shall e more than 3oc with respect to the dew point temperature. i v.#there shall not e rain or strong wind that can affect cleanliness of the surfaces. specification material hand rails with toe plate ms pipe & ms plate post: schedule 40 ø19 to 50mm # @interval of minimum 1mtr top and ottom rail: schedule 40 ø19 to 50mm # distance etween top and ottom rail # minimum 400mm. ase plate: 10 mm thick plate with holes toe plate: mild steel, size 4 to 10mm thick 75 to 150mm width. fixings: m12 x 50mm 4 no#s per post coating system specification. surface preparation: hydro last cleaning, manual and mechanical cleaning. primer coat: surface tolerant epoxy coating. dft # 150 microns mid coat#: polyamide cured epox y coatings. dft # 125 microns top coat#: polyurethane coatings. dft # 50 microns color code for handrails: traffic yellow # ral 1023 # 325 microns. paint manufacturer: only gloally renowned coatings shall e used s uch as hepmel, jotun, sigma, akzanoel, etc

1495 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14115571
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Sep, 2018

caliration and certification of ultraproe. make: ue systems, model: up-9000sc sl nos- 940514 & 940515for more information or visit the site please contact mr. sajeevekumar velimattathil s. 0554328067

1496 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14115570
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Sep, 2018

restoration of ultraviolet resistant gel coating of grp piping inlending plant at #g# station ph-i lock-101.0 scope of workthe idde r shall familiarize himself of the plant and the requirementsefore he sumits his id. he may visit the plant and see the internalstru ctural parts of the plant to evaluate the clear scope, quantum ofwork and the intricacies of the jothe scope of work for restoration of ultraviolet coating of grp pipingwill include ut not limited to:1.1 all the work including supply, moilization of material, ere ctionof scaffolding, access platforms and all other consumales required toexecute the work under this contract is sole responsiility of thecontractor.1.2 thorough washing of external surfaces of the pipes with water toremove loose scales ofdamaged top coating, d ust, dirt, salt depositsand pollutants, etc.1.3 thorough cleaning of surfaces with acetone or other suitalecleaner approved y dewa. 1.4 to apply a high quality transparent isophthalic, uv resistant cleargel coat of polyester / vinyl ester resin on the external su rfaces ofthe pipes, flanges, reducers and other grp fitting within the pipelength.1.5 all uv resistant gel coat to e applied manual ly y hand rush /rollers. spray application to e avoided.1.6 restoration of flow markings on the piping after coating.1.7 if unavoi dale the grating and the stair treads can e removed forgetting access to surface preparation and gel coat the grp piping.efore this is to e done, dewa shall e notified and the area shall earricaded with ropes andreflective tapes. however, contractor shallensure t hat access to entire plant is availale through an alternatepath.1.8 at no time, the entire handrail, grating or all stair treads sh alle removed. contractor shall e responsile for accidents caused due tohis negligence.1.9 all the removed gratings, handrails, plat forms to e restored andinstalled ack after the works.for site visit please contact mr. nosir @ 056-6093676, restoration of ultraviolet resistant gel coating of grp piping inlending plant at #g# station ph-i lock-201.0 scope of workthe idde r shall familiarize himself of the plant and the requirementsefore he sumits his id. he may visit the plant and see the internalstru ctural parts of the plant to evaluate the clear scope, quantum ofwork and theintricacies of the jothe scope of work for restoration of ultraviolet coating of grp pipingwill include ut not limited to:1.1 all the work including supply, moilization of material, ere ctionof scaffolding, access platforms and all other consumales required toexecute the work under this contract is sole responsiility of thecontractor.1.2 thorough washing of external surfaces of the pipes with water toremove loose scales of damaged top coating, d ust, dirt, salt depositsand pollutants, etc.1.3 thorough cleaning of surfaces with acetone or other suitalecleaner approved y dewa. 1.4 to apply a high quality transparent isophthalic, uv resistant cleargel coat of polyester / vinyl ester resin on the external su rfaces ofthe pipes, flanges, reducers andother grp fitting within the pipelength.1.5 all uv resistant gel coat to e applied manual ly y hand rush /rollers. spray application to e avoided.1.6 restoration of flow markings on the piping after coating.1.7 if unavoi dale the grating and the stair treads can e removed forgetting access to surface preparation and gel coat the grp piping.efore this is to e done, dewa shall e notified and the area shall earricaded with ropes and reflective tapes. however, contractor shallensure t hat access to entire plant is availale through an alternatepath.1.8 at no time, the entire handrail, grating or all stair treads sh alle removed. contractor shall e responsile for accidents caused due tohis negligence.1.9 all the removed gratings, handrails, platforms to e restored andinstalled ack after the works

1497 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14115572
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Sep, 2018

scope of work: 1.#collect 250 kw, 11kv induction motor from jaal ali power station. 2. test run the motor and record the viration re adings. 3.#dismantle motor completely, inspect the stator windings and all other parts and prepare condition report. 4.#carry #out t he incoming electrical tests & records readings. 5.#steam wash, clean stator windings and dry in oven to required temperature. 6.#co mplete overhaul stator to class-f insulation using polyester class-h varnish and cure in ake in oven. 7.#carry- out the tests prior to varnishing: insulation resistance test, polarization index, and record readings. 8.#steam wash rotor of motor and dry in oven. 9. #check dimension of oth earing journals, earing housing and provide report. 10.#overhaul the coolers and repair anyroken cooler tue . 11.#check the trueness of rotor and dynamically alance rotor with all rotating parts and prepare report. 12.#re-assemle aove overh auled motor with new earings de 6228-c3 and nde 7322-e use only skf/fag earings. 13.#test run aove assemled motor at no-load in pres ence of emd k staff and provide report. 14.#repaint complete motor with similar color after cleaning motor ody in two coats a-heavy duty ase primer -with paint ral7004. 15.check the auxiliary terminal ox of space heater&rtd replace/repair if required. 16.#deliver to refurish motor to dewa site along with reports.for any technical clarifications please call mr mohamed adelaset 0551961095

1498 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14115575
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Sep, 2018

caliration and certification of time domain reflectometer, tdr. make: sea kmt, model: teleflex, sl no- 112741812for more information or visit the site please contact mr.sajeevekumar velimattathil s. 0554328067

1499 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14115577
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Sep, 2018

removal and re fixing of insulation and liner plate of whr hotspot rectification work # k station japs. period of work 04 days during unit shut down scope of work ·#moilize the laor, equipment, tools, etc. on 24 hrs. notice period ·#remove the liner plate i n the designated areas. ·#rethread the plate-fixing stud m12. ·#remove the existing insulation and clean the casing surface. ·#int imate dewa personnel in case of any anormalities / damages found in the oiler casing plate. ·#install the new insulation lankets. ·# contractor shall rectify any anormalities / deformation found in the liner plate. ·#in case of complete damage of the liner plate, d ewa will supply new liner plate and contractor shall faricate and fix the plate according to site conditions. ·#fixthe liner plate and ensure that flue gas will not enter to oiler casing. ·#fix the nut and washers ack and tack weld the nuts with stud. ·#housekeep the area and dispose scrap insulation as per dewa instruction. ·#jo completion acceptance is sujected to dewa personnel inspection and verification. ·#sumit work completion report with clear photos. dewa scope 1.#scaffolding 2.#electricity 3.#water 4.#insulatio n 5.#liner plate 4ft x 8ft 6.#m12 stud & nut additional requirements from contractor ·#after work completion, dewa will do the th ermographic inspection. contractor shall rectify any further hotspots oserved in the same area. ·#the contractor shall rectify any a normalities / damages of oiler casing due to hotspot oserved in a period of one yearfrom the date of jo completion. warranty ·#the minimum warranty period for the work shall e of one year from the date of completion of work accepted y dewa. ·#in case of any damag e/defect of the work carried out under this contract within this warranty period, the contractor shall attend and carry out the nece ssary repair work and rectify the defect within short period without affecting the production of electricity and water. general ter ms & conditions ·#the contractor shall visit the site and make himself fully familiar with the work scope, plant access, facilities, complexities, safety measures etc., efore he sumits his id. ·#contactor shall sumit method of statement and schedule upon receipt of po. ·#the contractor shall ensurehousekeeping on a daily asis and the contractor shall e responsile for all waste material dispo sals to designated places. ·#all dewa safety & environment policy, rules and regulation shall e followed at work site during the exe cution of the work. the contractor#s engineer should e familiar with safety regulations while working in a hazardous area. ·#scaffol ding if required shall e arranged y dewa. ·#crane if required shall e arranged y dewa. ·#all rigging and transporting equipment shou ld e arranged y the contractor. this equipment should e duly tested and certified y the 3rd party inspection agency and the certific ates should e produced on demand. qualified rigger, mechanics should e provided. ·#the work shall e executed under dewa supervisionand as per quality/schedule requirement. ·#contractor#s supervisor shall e availale at site throughout the period of work. ·#entry p ermits for the staff/workers should e applied with passport copies having valid visa. persons, whose names are not availale in the l ist, will not e allowed to enter the powerhouse. ·#entry permits for the vehicle should e applied with copies of vehicle registratio n. ·#dewa will arrange necessary ptw / lc / hwp from operation, chemical la / fire department clearances to carry out the scope of w ork under this contract. ·#the contractor upon receiving the work permit shall first ensure a safe working condition. ·#all the pers ons should wear all the required ppe while at work. ·#all material and tools rought in shall e declared at powerstation security ga te and the list of these items shall e signed y dewa security. the copies of these documents shall e lodged with dewa engineer in-ch arge on daily asis. this document will e the asis for the clearance gate pass to take them out on completion of the jo. ·#service air, electricity and water for work at dewa site. it is the responsiility of the contractor to have his own arrangement in extendin g the electricity and water utility to his places of work including lighting.

1500 Asian Countries Tenders
GTN :14110124
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Sep, 2018

supply of valve, gate valve-class-1500, size-2-w ends, valve type-2-731xe, dwg no-p99211h/02, kks no-d1/d2/d3 had50aa406, make-intervalve, valve, gloe valve-class-1500, size-2-w ends, valve type-2-v714, dwg no-p99211h/308, kks no-51/52/53had50aa152, make-intervalve, valve -gate valve - size: 2 class:2500, connections: utt weld ends, schedule:160, type: 2-lv-w813c p/n:p99211h/205, valve -gate valve - size: 2 class:800, connections: utt weld ends, schedule:80, type: 2-lv-u713 p/n:p99211h/201, valve -piston check valve 2 class:150, connections: flanged ends rf150, type: 2-lv-p750 p/n:p99211h/219, valve -are stem gloe valve - size: 2 class:2500, connections: utt weld ends, schedule:160, type: 2-z811ce p/n:p99211h/306, valve -are stem gloe valve - size: 2 class:1500, connections: utt weld ends, schedule:80, type: 2-v711xe p/n:p99211h/310, valve -regulating gloe valve - size: 1class:2500, connections: utt weld ends, schedule:80, type: 1-z811ce p/n:p99211h/311, valve, gloe valve welded onnet, size 1, s/w end, class 1500, ody material c.s. a105, make: ks/jc middle east, for oiler high pressu re steam drain and vent system, valve, gloe valve welded onnet, size 1, s/w end, class 2500, ody material alloy steel a182 f22, make: ks/jc middle east, for oiler high pressure steam drain and vent system.

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