Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.
elt;lifting, single ply, 3in x 4 meter long, including eye length, 3 ton capacity oth ends eyes with test certificate
elt;lifting, single ply, 3in x 1 meter long including eye length, 3 ton capacity oth ends eyes with test certificate
supply of core as-aftc; p/n 352-8978; for sdg; model -3616, sl.nos-1pd00431-436; make: cat
supply of actuator, type: arx7201/473-7-201, make: satchwell, 24v ac, 50/60hz, 4va, 15nm, 90-150 s, ip42; made in switzerland for ahu dampe rs, thermal-hygrostat, alpha-electric, model no: etuh22, changeovercontacts, 230v, valve; expansion, thermal expansion valve, make: emerson, for r22/r407c, part no: trae+20 hw 100, expansion valve; thermal expansion valve, emerson make, part no: 073689, model: ter 26 hw100 sae ee, 10ft 7/8 odf x 1#1/8 odm ang 6a 6 1set/ox per set, coil;solenoid, type amg, voltage 208-240 v ac, 17/12 watts, 50/60 hz, make: alco controls / emerson, fan; propeller 6-lade 30dia 28 deg. pitch, part numer: la01ea030, suitale for carrier make packaged unit model no: 50tj-028-933 s, 5 0tj-032-933s, lower assemly complete oth left and right for carrier split a/c unit, indoor model numer 42xp90c7, control oard, carrier, hn67kz012, cpm-1
supply of valve, shut off all valve complete, size 15 mm, make: parker, model :vdn15pn40ss, threaded, pn 63. kks: 74qk06aa405, valve, flow control valve, complete, size 20 mm, pn 210, make: parker, model 9f1200s, welded connection, kks: 74qk06aa016, valve; flow control valve complete, size 1/2 inch, model 9ppcm-400s, welded connection, make: parker, kks: 74/75qk06aa028/029, 76/77 qk07aa028/029, valve; non return valve complete, size 1 inch, model rhd, threaded connection, make: parker, kks: 74/75qk06aa208/209/210, 76/77qk07a a208/209/210, valve; shut-off all valve complete, size: 1 inch, model:vdn25pn40ss; make: parker, threaded connection; for ammonia service; kks: 70 qk07aa007/404/406, valve; all shut-off all valve complete, size 1 inch, model: 86; make: apollo, threaded connection; for ammonia service; kks: 70qk 0 5aa505/411/307, 70qk06aa404/406/007, valve; shut-off all valve complete, size: 1/2 inch, model: 86; make: apollo, threaded connection; for ammonia service; kks: 70qk05a a306
supply of int69 sc2 motor protector, part no: 071-0649-0131 a 420, supplyvoltage 24v, 50-60 hz- 15#+10% 3va, kriwan, motor protector;three-phase voltage monitor;symcom 460-lmotorsaver;make: symcom;part no: 460 - l ;microcontroller-ased voltageand p hase sensing circuit constantly monitors the 3-phase voltages todetect harmful power line conditions
supply of olt m12x80 with nut and two plain washers, material-316ss, olt;hex;head;olt;with;one;nut;size:m16x50;m aterial:ss-316;full;thread; with material;test;certificate.., stud olt with nut and washer full threaded size m16x150mm material ss316
supply of sumersile pump, type:mam11t2, maker:caprari italy, n:11 11, u:400 y v, n:2800min-1, q:10 lit, h:10-15 m, 50 hz, discharge flange sim i lar to site existing pump, for m station ngprs and ccr le
supply of tue od, diameter: 12 mm, thickness: 1.5 mm, length: 6 m, material: 316 standard, make: parker
supply of fuel gas valve complete assemly, valve type - all, drive type - pneumatic actuator, valve size - 8 inch, class - 150, fig 150s c tam-fs, seat material- h-ptfe, serial no. 20823318, stem material- 316, all material- 316, ody material -wc, kks no. 81/82/83/8 4hh a10aa005/015, make -kitz, repair kit for fuel gas valve, valve type - all, drive type - pneumatic, valve size - 8 inch, class - 150, fig 150sctam-fs, seat m aterial- h-ptfe, serial no. 20823318, stem material- 316, all material- 316, ody material -wc, kks no. 81/82/83/84hha10aa005/01 5, make -kitz, fuel gas valve complete assemly, valve type - all, drive type - pneumatic actuator, valve size - 2 inch, class - 150, fig 15 0sctzm-fs, seat material - h-ptfe, serial no- 10759-05-067, stem material- 316, all material- 316, ody material- wc, kks no . 81/ 82/83/84hha10aa502, make -kitz, repair kit for fuel gas valve, valve type-all, valve size - 2 inch, class - 150, fig -150sctzm-fs, seat material - h-ptfe se r ial no.10759-05-067, stem material- 316, all material -316, ody material- wc, kks no. 81/82/83/84hha10aa502, make -kitz, fuel gas valve complete assemly, valve type - all, drive type - manual, valve size - 1 inch, class - 150, fig -150sctam-fs, se at material- h-ptfe, stem material- 316, all material -316, ody material -wc, kks no. 81/82/83/84hha10aa501&81/82/83/84qja1 0aa2 03, make -kitz, repair kit for fuel gas valve, valve type - all, valve size - 1 inch, class - 150, fig -150sctam-fs, seat material - h-ptfe, s tem material- 316, all material - 316, ody material- wc, kks no. 81/82/83/84hha10aa501&81/82/83/84qja10aa203, make -kitz, fuel gas valve complete assemly, valve type - all, drive type - manual, valve size - 1/2 inch, class - 150, fig -150sctzm-fs, seat material - h-ptfe, stem material - 316, all material - 316, ody material - wc, kks no. 81/82/83/84hja10aa001, make -ki tz, repair kit for fuel gas valve, valve type - all, valve size - 1/2 inch, class - 150, fig -150sctzm-fs, seat material - h-pt f e, stem material - 316, all material - 316, ody material - wc, kks no. 81/82/83/84hja10aa001, make -kitz, fuel gas valve complete assemly, valve type - all, drive type - pneumatic actuator, valve size - 1/2 inch, class - 150, fig -1 50sctam-fs, pressure -19.7 ar, temperature 38 ?c, seat material - h-ptfe, stem material - 316, all material - 316, ody m ater ial - wc, kks no. 81/82/83/84hja10aa002/003/502, make -kitz, repair kit for pneum. oper. all valve valve+actuatorfor piping skid, ignition gas vent valve data :sizeinch 1/2, ratingls 1 50 connection flg/rf flange finishing 3.2 - 6.3 ?m length mm 108operating pressure arg 6.0+/-0.5design pressure arg 10 des ig n temperature 40manufacturer m/s. kitz iso model/type f6kfig 150sctam-fsc port size reducedody astm a216 wc, stem/seal 316 ss / graphite, seat rtfe, all a351 cf8m, retainer astm a216 wcanti static / fire safe api 607 latest edit.kks. no. 81hja10 aa aa50 2oper ator actuatormanufacturer m/s. automax supernovatype pnum. actafomodel s085s/07s01+sol+lsc+lsc+lsc, rac k & pinionrotation dire ctio n ccw to open s121829/3-1 -06