Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.

591 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946435
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Feb, 2020

the defence high frequency communications system dhfcs is reaching life of type and the commonwealth of australia has committed to enhancing this capability to reach 2040. dhfcs provides a long range strategic communications capability to defence assets and other government agencies. dhfcs consists of 8 remote sites across continental australia, 2 central sites in canberra and a test facility at the incumbent contractor’s premises in brisbane.

592 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946466
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  11 Mar, 2020

request for information in relation to project joint 8190 - deployable bulk fuel distribution dbfd. joint 8190 seeks to provide the australian defence force adf with a modern, integrated dbfd capability. the capability will enable the distribution, storage and supply of bulk amounts of fuel in order to support deployed joint force and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief hadr operations. fuel is vital to the conduct of all adf operations and its raise, train and sustain activities. the current deployable capability has obsolescence issues which are increasingly impacting materiel availability.

593 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946480
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  23 Mar, 2020

the scope includes the provision of security guarding services and mobile patrols

594 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946525
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Mar, 2020

the office of parliamentary counsel opc provides timely, high quality legislative drafting and publication services. these include drafting and advisory services for commonwealth bills, legislative instruments and other instruments as well as comprehensive public access to commonwealth legislation, particularly through the federal register of legislation website the register.

595 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946549
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Mar, 2020

disposal of a range of assets when they become surplus to requirement, obsolete or beyond economic repair.

596 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946574
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  30 Mar, 2020

conduct a two-stage open procurement process involving a request for expression of interest reoi followed by a request for tender rft to shortlisted respondents. the purpose of the procurement is to secure a suitably qualified organisation or group of organisations to deliver 1800respect, the national telephone and online counselling and information service for people impacted by family, domestic and sexual violence.

597 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946595
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Mar, 2020

the department is seeking suitably qualified organisations that can engage and manage a scalable workforce to be available during peak workload periods for the business grants hub.

598 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946608
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 Mar, 2020

the successful applicant will be required to develop and deliver 5 half-day learning workshops in capital cities and key regional centres across australia, with an option to extend for additional workshops, on practical and engaging information on business continuity, business interruption and disaster recovery planning. the maximum number of participants per workshop is estimated at 25.

599 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946669
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  02 Mar, 2020

the services of an experienced supplier are being sought to manage, maintain and enhance the grounds and gardens of the lodge to a high standard commensurate with an official residence and in line with conservation and heritage requirements.

600 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :17946712
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 Mar, 2020

identify relevant research, literature ad published materials on the health effects of exposure to respirable crystalline silica silica dust, report on relevant adverse health effacts as provided in the research, literature and published materials, and if indicated by the evidence available, recommend a health based short-term exposure limit stel or peak limitation for silica dust.

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