Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.

881 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16993198
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  29 Nov, 2019

commonwealth lease – department of human services. exceptional leasing opportunity: tweed heads nsw invitation to express interest expressions of interest are invited for the provision of leases office accommodation for: approximately 4, 000 square metres nla of high quality, carpeted, air-conditioned office accommodation with a minimum ground floor area of 525 square metres; site location parameters are within the tweed heads central business district with good access to public transport and car parking; lease term of ten 10 years with two 2 options of five 5 years each; existing and proposed premises will be considered; eight 8 secured and covered car bays are required, of which one 1 must be an accessible car bay, an additional two 2 accessible customer car bays must be provided for the ground floor requirement.

882 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16962984
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  29 Nov, 2019

defence requires the services of a registered training organisation rto to provide specialist contracted services in support of the pre-deployment skills training for adf personnel deploying in force protection and advisor roles assigned to operation highroad, afghanistan. the skills training package is formally known as individual combat behaviours icb. the services are targeted to commence on 20 january 2020 for an initial term until 30 june 2020, with two extension options totalling up to one year to potentially extend the services until 30 june 2021, exercisable at the commonwealth’s discretion.

883 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16963020
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 Nov, 2019

airservices australia, through this rfq, is seeking to engage suitably qualified contractors to deliver two audits under the direction of the airservices chief auditor:

884 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16963034
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  22 Jan, 2020

airservices is seeking to identify and engage a contractor to manage and deploy an expansion of airservices current ads-b network 11 additional sites, including the provision of intial training, ongoing support, spares management and other services as set out in the statement of requirements sor.

885 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16963084
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Dec, 2019

works include the following:, estate base plan: update the existing ebp to reflect and articulate defence’s vision for raaf base point cook in the short and medium term 0 – 10, and long term to 2040, incorporating all known and planned unit relocations and capability;, works element one: upgrades and asset renewals to ensure safe, reliable and secure access to compliant ict, electricity, gas, water, sewerage, storm water and fuel networks;, works element two: preservation, maintenance, remediation and adaptive reuse of heritage assets buildings 33 and 87 and relocation of 21sqn to building 87; • works element three: construction of approximately 1km new fencing along the southern perimeter of the base to prevent unauthorised access and repair of damage to existing perimeter fence if required; • works element four: facilities to support current 21sqn hq capability, in the event that 21sqn hq cannot be relocated into the adaptively reused building 87 works element two; • works element five: redevelopment of the raaf museums customer entrance façade, construction of one sided shed for external aircraft exhibit to accommodate a c 130 and upgrade of existing services to ablutions in building 164; and • works element six: subject to government approval construction and refurbishment of facilities to support the potential relocation of training units, reserves, operational units, logistics units and defence schools to raaf base point cook, establishment of support facilities at raaf base point cook.

886 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16963126
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Dec, 2019

services include design and related services in respect of the following works: est02014 anglesea barracks mid term refresh, upgrade and refurbishment of existing working accommodation and training facilities;, upgrade of existing services and in-ground infrastructure, including road, electrical, fire, potable water, sewer, gas and stormwater services; and, new working accommodation. est02129 relocation of paterson units and new adf cadet facilities, launceston, demolition of existing facilities at youngtown depot;, upgrade and refurbishment of existing facilities at youngtown depot, including vehicle storage, working accommodation and shelters;, new facilities at youngtown depot, including working accommodation, storage facilities and training facilities;, new tri service cadet multi user depot including working accommodation, ablution facility, sleeping accommodation, storage facilities, training facility, parade ground, car parking, safe cadet drop off area; and, new services and in-ground infrastructure, including road, potable water, sewage, stormwater, communications, electrical and fire services to service new facilities at youngtown and the cadet multi-user depot.

887 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16963147
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  29 Nov, 2019

acilities included in the works, which the consultant will be required to construct include: a one maintenance hangar for one aircraft; and b a secondary p-8a squadron facilities collocated with the maintenance hangar to host up to four 4 deployed 92wg / p-8a sqn crews, based on crew rest cycles, and a permanent staff of seven; and c operational zones including a sensitive compartmented information facility. pavement and airfield lighting works are excluded from this package of works

888 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16963173
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  12 Dec, 2019

project includes the construction of a land based test site development and sustainment at 303-355 st kilda road, st kilda sa to support the introduction into service and sustainment of the hunter class frigate for the royal australian navy. the works include the following: i.the construction of a facility with two levels with approximately 14, 000 m2 in total area, comprising: a.reception, security office and administration open work areas; b.auditorium and meeting rooms; c.receipt or dispatch area, mechanical, electrical and communication workshops; d.rooms with high security classification; space work areas; f.communication and patch rooms; g.collaboration areas, breakout space and amenities; and, battery room, hv and lv switch rooms and plant areas. ii.the construction of new engineering services infrastructure including: preparation and civil earthworks; b.roadworks including new access and intersection works on coleman road c.pavement treatments for new roads and carpark as well as heavy duty concrete and gravel hardstands; d.piped stormwater drainage network; including water treatment structures and detention basins; e.potable water supply and metering including connection to on-site fire water tanks and pumpset; f.trunk feed into fire tie-in pipes for building internal sprinklers and fire hydrants; g.gravity sewer drainage, on-site submersible sewage pump station, and sewer rising main; h.piped gas supply and metering including connection; i.fencing, gating and security or traffic access control measures; j.low voltage electrical cabling complete with associated pits and conduits to external facilities and area lighting k.the access road off symes road and earthworks pad and gravel hardstand for a sapn hv substation switchyard, fencing and connection of high voltage electrical works from the facility to the sapn switchyard; l.fibre optic cabling complete with associated pits and conduits; and water off-site infrastructure works, including sa water submersible sewage pump station, rising main and network connection, to be performed by a hydraulics subcontractor that is accredited by sa water. iii. the potential design by the contractor of limited aspects of the works such as post-tensioned concrete slabs, and selection of transformers, ups devices, pumps and valves.

889 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16963178
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  21 Nov, 2019

services include design and construction of the following works at hmas stirling: civil, concrete and security works to support the communications site. services to the site including lighting, power, water and communications. the services include design and construction of the following works at hmas harman: civil, concrete and security works to support the communications site. services to the site including lighting, power and communications. minor office refurbishments.

890 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16963193
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  22 Nov, 2019

requests for tenders are invited from suitably qualified entities to undertake the role of design services consultant dsc to provide services on the basis described in the attached brief.

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