Latest and live tenders published in american samoa. Click on any tender to view further details.
judicial services and smart infrastructure title: supply, installation and support of ict equipment and related software for primary and reserve datacenters
programa de reforzamiento del sistema nacional de distribuciã“n elã‰ctrica del ecuador ii title: project: construcciã“n de la lãnea de subtransmisiã“n babahoyo-caluma
project: public finance management technical assistance project title: development of recommendations for enhancing efficiency of budget expenditures to support the interaction with international development institutions and multilateral financial mechanisms in respect of hr management, development of the code of conduct and
public finance management technical assistance project title: development of recommendations for enhancing efficiency of budget expenditures to support the interaction with international development institutions and multilateral financial mechanisms relating to information disclosure, information security and transp
public finance management technical assistance project title: development of recommendations for enhancing efficiency of budget expenditures to support the cooperation with international development institutions in the area of procurement of goods, works and services, control of the procurement processes, environmen
public finance management technical assistance project title: development of recommendations for enhancing efficiency of budget expenditures to support the cooperation with international development institutions on the issues of financial policy and financial control, reservation and write-off of credit losses
public finance management technical assistance project title: development of recommendations for enhancing efficiency of budget expenditures to support the cooperation with the new development bank and the asian infrastructure investment bank
project: distribution efficiency project title: designing, supplying and transporting electronic meter; supplying, transporting and installing head-end system hes
estudio sobre el procesamiento post cosecha del caf en el salvador, en el marco de la propuesta para la formulacin del programa de resilencia del sub sector cafetalero, ante el cambio climtico
estudio diagnstico del mercado del caf en el salvador, en el marco de propuesta para su financiamiento por parte del fondo verde del clima