Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.

3441 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315595
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Oct, 2019

provide the rtv2 platform and associated deliverables to the australian defence force adf. the commonwealth requires a quantity of 40 rtv2 platforms, with the option for the provision of up to another 30 vehicles. the commonwealth, at its discretion, may elect to engage the resultant contractor of the rtv2 platform with additional future work.

3442 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315635
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  30 Jun, 2020

description: note: existing suppliers need not reapply the department of veterans’ affairs dva provides eligible members of the veteran community with access to quality health care and support services. the medical grade footwear mgf program is an important part of dva’s health care arrangements and is part of the rehabilitation appliance program rap. the mgf program provides a nation-wide access to a wide range of mgf and related services for entitled persons. dva’s procurement strategy for the provision of mgf is to improve the mgf supply arrangements and reduce red tape for all stakeholders. 1. dva is offering agreements for the supply of mgf products and services through a simplified procurement model where all mgf suppliers who meet the minimum requirements can participate. the key features of the model are: dva publishes the agreement on austender and its website so that all potential mgf suppliers have an opportunity to enter into an agreement with dva. mgf suppliers who meet the pre-conditions for the agreement and certify compliance with dva standards ie. the terms and conditions and the notes for medical grade footwear suppliers will be included on dva’s list of contracted mgf suppliers. the agreement stands indefinitely allowing new mgf suppliers to join at any time. prices on the mgf register and the mgf fee schedules are fixed prices and are non-negotiable. dva provides no guarantee of business. dva reviews the agreement, the mgf register and the mgf fee schedules periodically.

3443 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315647
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  31 Oct, 2019

dva is seeking to identify a more efficient and effective way to gather medical evidence, in order to facilitate the timely determination of compensation and rehabilitation claims. dva intends to approach the market through the release of a request for tender rft in the fourth quarter of 2019. the rft seeks to establish a managing contractor to coordinate the gathering of medical evidence and the provision of medical assessments of veterans throughout australia. this includes veterans who reside in regional and remote areas. dva legislation - the veterans’ entitlements act 1986 vea; the safety, rehabilitation and compensation defence-related claims act 1988 drca; and the military rehabilitation and compensation act 2004 mrca - requires evidence-based decision making. medical evidence enables dva to establish veteran diagnoses, to assess the degree of incapacity or impairment resulting from the condition, and in some cases, to establish links to a veteran’s australian defence force service. this, in turn, determines whether liability exists, and whether a claim for compensation or rehabilitation is able to be approved. dva’s current claim process is to ascertain if the veteran’s claim form is sufficient to determine liability. if not, dva will refer to the medical evidence on file, including the veteran’s service records. if this data is still not sufficient to determine a claim, dva will seek further medical evidence from defence, the veteran, and/or the veteran’s treating general practitioner or specialist. in some circumstances, where insufficient evidence is available from the above mentioned sources, dva may need to approach a medico-legal provider for an assessment and report. this may occur if: • the veteran does not have a treating doctor, or where there is insufficient or conflicting information; • the treating doctor cannot or will not provide the required evidence or cannot provide it in a timely manner; • a subsequent report still does not meet the diagnostic criteria; or • a report is deficient in some aspect and a report from a further medical professional is required for the purpose specified in the referral. to assist dva in developing the rft documentation, we encourage tenders from suitable organisations who have the capacity to deliver the veterans’ medical evidence gathering services to complete the attached survey

3444 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315675
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  03 Oct, 2019

present focus of the dmssp rft are those marine services currently provided to the navy under the: fleet marine service contract fmsc; multi-role aviation training vessel matv support contract; and ocean protector op contract – noting that these services will not be subsumed until 2023. the dmssp rft is an open approach to market for the provision of the following discrete service packages: service package 1 – in port inpt services - provision of diverse marine support services within ports and harbours around fleet bases. this service package will be managed nationally with local tasking and management by the navy port services managers. service package 1 is based on the asdefcon support template and utilises a rate of effort roe model; service package 2 - out of port oop services – entails the maintenance, operation and crewing of specified large hull vessels, to support adf training and operations. this service package will be managed nationally with tasking through fleet operational arrangements for units operating predominantly in australian waters. service package 2 is based on the asdefcon support template and utilises an availability model; and service package 3 - towing services - provision of general tug, towing and berthing services for naval vessels, with the requirement also to maintain government furnished assets gfa tugs to support nuclear powered warship visits at specified locations. this service package will be managed nationally with regional tasking and management by the navy port services managers. service package 3 is based on a tailored asdefcon services template and utilises a roe model.

3445 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315688
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  26 Aug, 2019

provide a significant improvement to existing anti-submarine warfare training capabilities by providing a realistic, long endurance, recoverable, re-useable and programmable target in order to deliver effective force level procedural and tactical anti-submarine warfare training. defence also seeks to enter into an in-service support arrangement for the iaswtt for up to 10 years. defence expects that the applicable support concept will be refined, but expects that it will require management of services, provision of operating support services, engineering services, maintenance services, supply services, training services, provision and support of support resources, quality management, and healthy, safety and environmental management. defence has released a linked asdefcon complex materiel volume 1 acquisition contract with an asdefcon support short contract to cover both the acquisition and support of the iaswtt capability. the purpose of linking the acquisition and support contracts is to ensure that defence has an integrated and risk managed solution for the acquisition and support of the iaswtt capability.

3446 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315701
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Aug, 2019

engage the services of an appropriately qualified, experienced and able laboratory or other hydraulic modelling organisation to design, build and prepare a fit-for-purpose 1:40 scale model of scrivener dam and subsequently undertake the required flood modelling and reporting, all in accordance with the scrivener dam model study brief included in the tender documentation.

3447 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315714
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Aug, 2019

rft to enable selection of a professional supplier of high quality, value for money cleaning services for our gallery and associated facilities. the nga is seeking the delivery of a high quality service to ensure the gallery maintains its position of one of the nations leading tourist attractions and to achieve an environment were the national collection is proud to be displayed. the period of the proposed contract is four years with extension options available. the services include cleaning of both the main gallery building and our external storage facility. the services required include cleaning of all public galleries, office areas and staff working areas. the services include the provision of full time supervisory staff, day cleaners and provision of cleaning staff out of business hours to complete daily, weekly and monthly cleaning of the highest quality.

3448 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315724
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  31 Oct, 2019

department of employment, skills, small and family business the department works to provide people access to services and support to help them overcome barriers and develop skills to gain employment and participate in society. in the 2019 - 20 budget, the government announced significant reforms to harvest labour services, as existing harvest labour services contracts are due to conclude on 26 june 2020. this measure aims to increase the number of australian job seekers working in the horticulture industry and ensure employers can access seasonal workers at the right time. this is a pre-release notice only to provide advance notice that the department intends to undertake an open tender to identify suitable organisations to deliver harvest labour services / national harvest labour information services for 3 years from 2020.

3449 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315739
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Sep, 2019

expression of interest eoi to seek responses from the market from suitably qualified, capable and experienced contractors to provide a full range of national cleaning services services for abc premises in australia.

3450 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16315763
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 Sep, 2019

supply of abc has conducted a review of its current radio operations and has identified issues and limitations in the following broad areas; core studio audio infrastructure, audio distribution networks, studio consoles, localisation of networked programs. the abc is seeking to engage with vendors who have the products and capability to work collaboratively with the abc to transform its radio and broader audio operations into a modern, flexible and efficient system capable of meeting its emerging future needs. this rfi seeks information from the market on solutions for audio network transformation over two phases in queensland: phase one; an operational pilot phase used to test the transformation design and implementation; and phase two; assuming successful completion of phase one, the abc may then fully implement the transformation solutions across its queensland operational environment.

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