Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.
the scope of works of this project involves resurfacing and full reconstruction of roads and heavy vehicle crossings, construction of drainage swales and upgrade of culverts across the cantonment area of the puckapunyal military area. works also include minor revegetation due to removal of trees.
refurbishment works to four buildings and obstacle course building at borneo barracks inducing decommissioning, demolition and disposal works, remediation, turfing, civil works, architectural repairs and upgrades and provision of electrical, mechanical and hydraulics services works.
the scope of works of this project involves the development of infrastructure including it services, electrical / data and energy efficiency.
services to design and implement an evaluation framework for the yarn for life multiplatform communications campaign and evaluate the 2020/21 campaign
proposing to establish a whole-of-australian government management advisory services panel. the service areas covered by the panel are intended to be separated into three categories, which are financial, corporate and commercial management advisory services. the panel will not include labour hire contractor services.
interim notice to market advising outcome of the dftp - fuel services contract dftp-fsc request for proposal
geoscience australia is seeking to provision of the following ict services: core workplace services; network services; infrastructure operations services; and ict security services
maritime unmanned aircraft system muas for the royal australian navy ran
this notice has been issued as an answer to questons arising from a closed request for information hsd/rfi/10701/1. the notice is designed to provide notification and information to industry. a notice foes not represent a guarantee of works in any format.
sea129ph5 maritime unmanned aircraft systems notice to industry