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works are identified and specified by reference to the ghd design documents in the request documents. the major elements of the fit out include: a architecture i. construction of data processing equipment rooms ii. construction of console rooms with flooded floor plenum iii. construct training rooms iv. construct a video conference room v. construct meeting rooms vi. construct open plan office workspace vii. construct testing workstations area viii. demolition works as shows on the drawings ix. construct partitioning to suit zone 2 and zone 3 security areas, including supply and installation of new hardware and access controls, including the addition of structural silicon to the internal face of existing glazing b electrical i. supply and installation of exposed services and cable trays ii. decommission, demolition, disposal off site of the redundant electrical and communications services as identified iii. the supply, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance and warranty of the electrical and communications services as identified c mechanical i. decommission, demolition, disposal off site of the redundant mechanical services as identified ii. the supply, installation, testing, commissioning, maintenance and warranty of the mechanical services as identified d fire i. carry out hydraulic calculation to determine the maximum flow and pressure requirement of the sprinkler system within the project refurbishment area. ii. allow to upgrade fire sprinkler pumps and reconnect the existing pipes to the upgraded fire sprinkler pumps. the pump duty shall be based on the above hydraulic calculation. iii. reroute the existing supply main to the roof and reconnect to the existing sprinkler main. iv. replace the ex air-compressor with a new one for the pre-action sprinkler system. v. alter existing sprinkler system as shown on the drawings. vi. provide metal guard to ceiling space and underfloor space sprinklers in jssf racks, jssf and sps consoles and asts room. vii. new sprinklers and pipes in gas bottle storage room. viii. supply and install new monitored isolating valves to enable zone isolation. ix. supply and install drain valve to underfloor sprinkler pipes. the fit out works exclude: a provision and installation of new data processing equipment b provision and installation of the consoles, workstations and furniture items c communications cabling between the equipment rooms and the consoles and the testing workstations.
airservices is seeking to identify and engage a contractor to manage and deploy an expansion of airservices current ads-b network 11 additional sites, including the provision of intial training, ongoing support, spares management and other services as set out in the statement of requirements sor.
facilities included in the works, which the consultant will be required to construct include: a one maintenance hangar for one aircraft; and b a secondary p-8a squadron facilities collocated with the maintenance hangar to host up to four 4 deployed 92wg or p-8a sqn crews, based on crew rest cycles, and a permanent staff of seven; and c operational zones including a sensitive compartmented information facility. pavement and airfield lighting works are excluded from this package of works
services include the following note that applicants may register interest for 1 or more works packages: a works package 1: puckapunyal military area, vic which comprises works at: i school of armour, puckapunyal military area, victoria: · demolition of a building within the training precinct; · adaptive reuse of existing gunnery wing refurbishment of existing rooms in an occupied building with new ict and services, including fire and hvac; · adaptive reuse of existing driver and servicing wing - refurbishment of existing garages within a training precinct; · new afv hangars for driver & servicing wing – construction of new additional hangars for maintenance training; · adaptive reuse of existing communication wing – refurbishment of an existing room in an occupied building with new ict and services; · new afv simulation facility – construction of a large 3 storey 9000 square meter training facility with a lift, extensive ict and services, including fire and hvac. the facility also includes 2 communication rooms at physical security level zone 4; · upgrades to the existing driver training area – construction of a new unpaved roadway complete with vehicle obstacles; · construction of a bunded fuel handling area; · construction of paved carparking; · construction of hardstands; · external landscaping; and · staging of construction will be required around ongoing operations. ii joint logistics unit puckapunyal military area, victoria: · demolition of one building; and · construction of a new 3000 square meter extension of exiting vehicle maintenance workshop.
works package 2: lavarack barracks, qld which comprises: · new afv simulation facility – construction of a large 3 storey 5300 square meter training facility with a lift, extensive ict and services, including fire and hvac. the facility also includes 2 communication rooms at physical security level zone 4; · demolition of hv substation and replacement; · construction of paved carparking; · construction of hardstands; and · external landscaping.
works package 3: edinburgh defence precinct, sa which comprises: · construction of new 16 bay 4500 square meter workshop with stores and working accommodation; and · external landscaping.
project includes the construction of a land based test site development and sustainment at 303-355 st kilda road, st kilda sa to support the introduction into service and sustainment of the hunter class frigate for the royal australian navy
services include design and construction of the following works at hmas stirling: civil, concrete and security works to support the communications site. services to the site including lighting, power, water and communications. the services include design and construction of the following works at hmas harman: civil, concrete and security works to support the communications site. services to the site including lighting, power and communications. minor office refurbishments.
requests for tenders are invited from suitably qualified entities to undertake the role of design services consultant dsc to provide services on the basis described in the attached brief.
project r8112 raaf amberley sewerage treatment plant will provide a new compliant, fit for purpose sewerage treatment plant, which includes a treatment system capable of remediating pfas and other contamination and which maximises wol outcomes for defence at raaf base amberley qld. services includedesign and construction of a new stp to meet commonwealth and state government discharge requirements and other requirements set out in the contract, the demolition, removal and remediation of the existing sewerage treatment plant from the site; and operate and maintain the new stp for five 5 years