Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.

851 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16884994
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  13 Nov, 2019

new marketplace will replace existing cloud sourcing panels

852 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16885011
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  18 Nov, 2019

primary purpose is to develop improved service responses to veterans and their family members where any have a presentation which may indicate symptoms of a neurocognitive disorder ncd or holds concerns about their cognitive functioning.

853 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16885019
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  11 Nov, 2019

demolition of and removal of seven unserviceable and end of life buildings and assets at hmas stirliing. the project also includes reinstatement works for all buildings or assets as detailed in the scope.

854 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16885030
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  10 Dec, 2019

scope of works of this project involves the following: extend the footprint of building ff3-1302/f0663. works include: • extension of the building to the east • relocate existing drn terminals and printer to office space to be undertaken by ciog via a work request • new furniture.

855 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16885044
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  11 Nov, 2019

project involves the hazardous area electrical equipment remediation of works at raaf base townsville. the works are to be undertaken in 12 assets.

856 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16885052
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  08 Nov, 2019

provision of new master key system with all mechanical components comprising of security construction equipment committee scec endorsed products. scope also includes upgrade of existing access doors with the new electronic access control system eacs, electronic key cabinets, door lock cylinders and locks replacement with new master key system to multiple buildings at the rmc duntroon and adfa.

857 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16885080
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  01 Nov, 2019

flood control works including stormwater detention basin, excavation and installation of a new low level outlet, raising of pits and installation of weir control, installation of subsoil drainage, replacement of swale, replacement of asbestos containing pits, conduit works and landscaping works at simpson barracks.

858 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16885091
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Nov, 2019

scope includes compliance and maintenance upgrades to make the range compliant with current standards and maintain capability. the works include repairing the target trench, reparing the stop-butt structure, bullet catcher remediation, construction of new ballistic side walls, reconfiguration of the firing mount or shelter to be compliant with defence standards, lane marker remediation, sign remediation, installation of new signange and civil works.

859 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16885098
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Oct, 2019

project focuses on the building refurbishment and maintenance works at the air traffic control tower and approach control. these works consist of end of life refurbishment of the existing air traffic control tower with new finishes, fixtures and equipment. the scope also includes minor modification of the building is required to meet statutory requirements associated with refurbishment.

860 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16885109
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Nov, 2019

project involves the refurbishment and remediation works including internal and external finishes, kitchenette refurbishments, ablution refurbishments and compliance work to kapooka company headquarters. scope of works also includes the resurfacing of access road and car park areas at company headquarters.

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