Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.

901 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16881874
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  18 Nov, 2019

review, co-design and delivery of a pilot program for ses band 1 employees.

902 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16881885
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  14 Nov, 2019

demolition of existing facilities and construction of new commercial centre to accomodate army and airforce canteen service aafcans facilities such as entry, dining, café and main serveries areas, administration office, defence bank and carparking at swartz barracks. establishment of temporary facilities for defence bank and aafcans will also be required at swartz barracks, so they can continue providing their services during construction of the new commercial centre.

903 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16881932
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Feb, 2020

provide advance notice of an upcoming approach to market atm, which is proposed to be conducted via an open invitation to register itr and limited request for quote rfq or request for tender rft or similar, with the itr scheduled for release by the commonwealth of australia represented by the department of defence defence by early 2020. itr request documentation will be made available on austender.

904 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16881944
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Nov, 2019

project will deliver a new hangar facility for the air force cadets. this will include a hangar, briefing room and an apron connecting the facility to the taxiway.

905 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16882042
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Nov, 2019

department of the environment and energy’s, supervising scientist branch ssb is tasked with protecting the alligator rivers region arr of northern australia from the effects of uranium mining. at present, ranger uranium mine is the only operational mine in the arr and must cease operations in 2021. the mine must finish decommissioning and revegetation of the site by 2026.

906 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16882072
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  13 Nov, 2019

geoscience australia is seeking expressions of interest from landowners to host new global navigation satellite system gnss ground station sites on their land. if your land is within the predetermined areas and meets the technical requirements, geoscience australia would like to discuss the opportunity to establish a new gnss ground station site on your property.

907 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16882088
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  31 Oct, 2019

provision of security services including the following: 1 electronic security services: regular maintenance and reactive maintenance of electronic monitoring, access control and closed circuit television systems. 2 operational guard services: static guard services, patrol services and onsite monitoring services. 3 back to base monitoring: alarm monitoring and action initiation services involving the coordination of alarm responses. 4 physical security services: regular maintenance and reactive maintenance of key management systems and non-motorised gates.

908 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16882101
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Oct, 2019

supply of accc is seeking to establish a contract with a supplier for the provision of international crude oil and petroleum benchmark price data

909 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16882131
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  13 Nov, 2019

supply of customised materials are required to support the facilitation of the voting process, and include products used: a during the voting process; including banners, hazard or barrier tape, and ballot boxes; b by polling officials; including bibs and vests, badge holders, lanyards and certified list rulers; c in transporting, counting and storing ballot material; including tamper evident tape, security seals and hi-viz vests.

910 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16882161
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  29 Nov, 2019

army headquarters, through the soldier combat system program scsp, seeks to improve the advantage of the australian close combatant system over the coming decade. emerging technology and speed of lethality development cycles require the soldier combat system scs to continuously modernise levels of protection and lethality. whilst the present soldier combat ensemble sce provides the best protection and mobility suite of equipment offered to australian combatants, the next generation of scs will explore the integration of machines, sensors and data to enhance close combatant survivability, lethality and local environment understanding. human-machine teaming hum-t is the scsp initiative exploring the interactions between human and robotic agents to achieve a tactical advantage.

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