Latest and live tenders published in australia. Click on any tender to view further details.

941 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16883323
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  30 Nov, 2019

in preparation for the release of the proposed rft, the commonwealth intends to release a series of documents and information to potential tenderers. 2. information relating to the following is enclosed: a. release of capability definition documentation cdd b. confidentiality obligations c. updated conditions of industry engagement d. industry day e. security f. defence industry security program disp g. site visits h. draft documentation

942 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16883346
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  30 Nov, 2019

supply of preparation for the release of the proposed rft, the commonwealth conducted a series of industry 1:1 interviews with potential tenderers to provide an opportunity for industry to comment, clarify and ask questions of the commonwealth in relation to the draft documentation released by the commonwealth. the purpose of this notice is to provide notice to potential tenderers who have registered their interest that a summary of the questions and answers from the 1:1 interviews is now available from the commonwealth to registered parties on request by sending an email to

943 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16883379
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  31 Oct, 2019

supply of provide the royal australian navy ran with a next-generation, integrated, maritime communications and information exchange capability designed to enhance interoperability and address communications system obsolescence.

944 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16788716
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 Oct, 2019

attorney-general’s department’s head office is accommodated in the whole of the robert garran building at 3-5 national circuit, barton, act. security of the building is managed through the provision of three 3 guard positions two of which are located at the reception counter 24 hours a day 7 days a week. the third guard is located in the basement in a guard post at the roller shutter. in addition to their guarding and reception duties, the two 2 guards at the reception counter also provide monitoring and patrol services for the department’s other properties.

945 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16788727
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  17 Oct, 2019

australian communications and media authority acma is seeking competitive market responses for banking services for the acma and the office of the esafety commissioner oesc.

946 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16788736
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  18 Nov, 2019

supply of australian communications and media authority is seeking responses to a request for expression of interest procurement for the establishment and management of a national self exclusion register for interactive wagering.

947 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16788759
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  31 Oct, 2019

procurement is to replace the current in house incident management system used for search and rescue, maritime assistance, and ship sourced pollution response. this advice is intended to provide advanced notification of a possible procurement project. amsa does not guarantee that a request for proposal or tender will be issue

948 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16788768
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  05 Nov, 2019

amsa wishes to engage a single service provider able to provide 2 oil recovery vessels in accordance with the statement of requirements. the rft is conducted through an open tender process, including:

949 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16788776
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  04 Nov, 2019

supply of credit assessment shadow shopping study the study will gather information about the experience of residential consumers when purchasing post-paid telecommunications services.

950 Australia Oceania Countries Tenders
GTN :16788805
Location :  Australia - Australia, Australia
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Nov, 2019

project will be managed by the armys project management unit, 19th chief engineer works 19 ce works who have the role of project manager / contract administrator for the duration of the project. 19 ce works and the successful contractor will work in conjunction with the client international policy division and user vpf/vmf. a summary of the scope of works is as follows: works package 1 - cook barracks port vila, efate: demolishing various existing buildings constructing the following new facilities 2 x double storey soldier living-in accommodation facilities magazine facility armoury officers mess soldiers mess and kitchen medical facility vehicle workshop vehicle shelter secure hardstand engineers workshop boat shed training facility chapel band house obstacle course 12 x married quarters relocating the base entrance including construction of a new guard house refurbishing 6 x existing married quarters refurbishing the fire station including construction of a new appliance bay generally refurbishing a number of other buildings undertaking below ground services upgrades including electrical and wastewater treatment undertaking a road network upgrade undertaking ict upgrades providing temporary facilities for vmf use during construction works package 2 - tiroas barracks luganville, espuiritu santo: constructing a new magazine facility constructing a new armoury constructing a new medical facility concept site plans for cook and tiroas barracks are attached as an information document. these may be revised during the atm process and cannot be relied upon. commencement of works package 1 is expected in mid-2020. it is intended that works package 2 is delivered concurrently, with mobilisation to luganville shortly after commencement at port vila.

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