Latest and live tenders published in austria. Click on any tender to view further details.
sweeping work vorarlberg 2022, lot 1 - 9
mowing work vorarlberg 2022, lots 1 - 5
b121 weyerer strasse; from km 40, 383 to km 41, 494; weyer bypass construction lot; geotechnical measurements
approx. 10,000 m of regular and random uses (e.g. beetle wood, snow pressure, windthrow) in the end and prior use (including first thinning). the amount is based on the, together with the regular amounts actual amount of damaged wood in the course of the service period in the districts of the fb pinzgau.
fb pinzgau - rv-5,000 efm tractor-tractor-6 lots
creative spaces vienna
ordensklinikum linz sisters of mercy - planning of technical building equipment
ak oö district office kirchdorf an der krems - gp and öba
1010 vienna, minoritenplatz 9, renovation of office buildings, general planner search
german qualification for das ams schärding