Latest and live tenders published in austria. Click on any tender to view further details.
a.ö. hospital of the merciful brothers st. veit ad glan extension and renovation 2020 - metal ceilings &
framework agreement for green maintenance of linz swimming lakes, lot 1 and baths, lot 2
framework agreement ca-gen-dl 2021
the purpose of this transfer procedure is to conclude a framework agreement on the obligatorythe purpose of this transfer procedure is to conclude a framework agreement on the obligatorythe purpose of this transfer procedure is to conclude a framework agreement on the obligatory
okaj orientation-competencies-labor market-job for ams linz
career orientation for young people with placement obstacles
erd- und baumeisterarbeiten f. d. errichtung e. fw-netzes in klosterneuburg ba08 inkl. option ba09
supply of your modriach
the aim of this award procedure is to conclude a contract for the execution of air flights
carrying out the maintenance of the turbine generator with electrical power 5 mw in the kwk mödling