Latest and live tenders published in austria. Click on any tender to view further details.
window – new building for toddler groups in saalfelden
vienna, mariannengasse 4-6, meduni campus mariannengasse, new building - functional renovation - insulation
new construction of the toddler group center in saalfelden
tullnerbach, norbertinumstraße 7, new building bg/brg tullnerbach, acoustic slatted ceiling
2nd district of vienna, praterstern
1220 vienna, wielandweg 29, police operations training center vienna-südessenbrunn - long weapons range
supply of endoscopy cleaning and disinfection equipment
salzburg festival fund renovation and expansion of the salzburg festival halls cavity or.
upgrading aw leoben ost and kbm abm kalwang - local construction supervision and specialist construction supervision
south autobahn, in pinggau - allhau - road, bridge and traffic routing planning