European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
47.00 Crore
"acquisition of stationary and mobile x-ray devices for bílovec hospital, as"
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
8.50 Crore
supply of phase locked zesilovac
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
247.94 Crore
supply of set of flood containers
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
91.52 Crore
supply of electrical installation, measurement and regulation system, plasmatron connection and technology control system
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
169.88 Crore
supply of fn motol - siponimod
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
supply uniforms for the banking police ii
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
supply of operating table for cos iii
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
180.00 Crore
deliveries of liquid medical oxygen up to 2 pieces of supplier's reservoirs installed on the faculty campus
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
performing service and inspections of fire extinguishers and fire plumbing
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
935.00 Crore
conversion tábor - horkovod sever a východ