European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
65.00 Crore
helios nephrite upgrade, support and maintenance
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
178.96 Crore
maintenance of public greenery in ceský krumlov-2022
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
support, necessary development and completion of mpsv
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
66.00 Crore
supply of tank car syringe
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
40.60 Crore
supply of surgical gloves
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
57.84 Crore
acquisition of driving simulator and virtual reality emergency simulator
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
28.00 Crore
office supplies
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
Tender Value :
2.80 Crore
diagnostic board ii.
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
supply of laparoscopic towers, including accessories for various workplaces
of the university hospital brno, department of the bohunice and obstetrics hospital, jihlavská 20, 625 00 brno
and obilní trh 11, 602 00 brno.
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Czech Republic - Czech Republic, Czech Republic
replacement of stage lighting dimmers in the estates theater building