Latest and live tenders published in france. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of all types of fuel for all services of the department of
serious emulsion works on departmental roads - year 2022
design-build contract for the construction of the les noisetiers residence in angers 49
supply of orthopedic implants and osteosynthese complement
works contract for the demolition and reconstruction of a residential and office building - le mans
works contract for the realization of the les cannes a sucre operation, which is located on rue zaina meresse in
public market for the manufacture, supply, installation and installation of elements of
market for the supply of energy, operation and maintenance of heating and air conditioning installations and domestic hot water
supply, delivery and installation of furniture and it and multimedia equipment for the future
ao 2022-04: supply and delivery of radiopharmaceutical medicines on behalf of ch de rodez