Latest and live tenders published in france. Click on any tender to view further details.
geolocation of substitute buses for transilien
invitation to submit an offer - operational preparation for collective employment 2022/2023 - martinique
invitation to submit an offer - operational preparation for collective employment 2022/2023 - bourgogne
march of mastery of urban work eiffel south in pompey-
operation of the restaurant and café of the municipal city
supply of acquisition of four small, medium and large caliber ammunition unpacking machines with
removal and treatment of a-wood, b-wood and stumps
capado citoyen 2022 - holidays and leisure for teenagers from 11 to 17 years old - 2nd relaunch of lots no12 and
supply of market dematerialized restaurant vouchers for staff
framework agreement with purchase orders for carrying out asbestos and lead identification diagnoses before works