Latest and live tenders published in france. Click on any tender to view further details.
miscellaneous materials and products for the conservation of archival documents
energy rehabilitation of energy-consuming pavilions on various residences in the department of the seine-
supply, delivery, assembly and installation of administrative furniture for the city of garges-lès-gonesse and
construction of 22 dwellings and rehabilitation of 2 buildings of 12 dwellings and creation of 38 places of
all corps detat maintenance works for ght guyana needs
modernization of the road tunnels serving the la défense business district - voie de lancre
various works necessary for the maintenance and securing of the roads of loir-et-cher and the breuil aerodrome
thermal rehabilitation of 3 rlf heritage residences divided into 2 lots
works on the a1 ps 121.5 from center de roye a1 highway and la2 ps 29.3 from center de cambrai
routine plumbing maintenance and repair work on the commercial ports of bastia and lile