Latest and live tenders published in france. Click on any tender to view further details.
purpose of this consultation is to remove asbestos and restore premises on an occupied site on behalf of the grand port maritime de guyane. the candidates attention is drawn to the fact that the building will be occupied by employees of the gpm-g, excluding the offices concerned by the work. the candidates attention is also drawn to the fact that the 9 offices will be removed asbestos in two distinct phases.
design and realization contract for the reconstruction of a primary school on the labattoir site 1 the
this framework agreement for the cultivation contract falls mainly within the framework of the recovery planeconomic announced by the government
purpose of this consultation is to replace cold unit n ° 2 for the turner it building located at saint jacques hospital - 85 rue saint jacques - 44093 nantes cedex 1
mission dordonnancement pilotage inter-site coordination within the city center development framework
development of a public park to the south of the project which will be retroceded to the municipality of bègles, - the development of two public places at the accesses to the east of the site which will be retroceded to bordeaux métropole.
collection and transport of products from recycling centers
supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of new laundry equipment
maintenance, upkeep and monitoring of gemapi infrastructures - lot 2 maintenance, upkeep and monitoring of
printing and distribution of the magazine of the territory of belfortvivre le territoire