European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
5.68 Crore
supplies of materials - pole proximity and customer service of montluçon habitat
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
16.00 Crore
supply of rental and maintenance of water bottle fountains and on-network water fountains for
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
supply of manufacture of sea sets
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
supply of furniture of the new clesence headquarters in
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
4.00 Crore
supplies of grouping orders for the acquisition of administrative
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
15.64 Crore
supply of food
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
60.00 Lacs
supply of acquisition of administrative supplies for the ccas and the commune of châtillon 92320
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
8.21 Crore
supply of equipment and furniture mediatheque and creche
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
85.00 Crore
supply of medical devices for lorl and stomatology 2022/2025
European Countries Tenders
Location :
France - France, France
Tender Value :
4.40 Crore
supply of municipal police clothing and accessories