Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
ve 4.2.108 - drywall ceilings
structural design of the new bertolt-brecht-gymnasium dresden
natural stone work for the renovation of a main building from 1909. conversion of the administration building into a new elementary school. exposing, renovating and supplementing natural stone. eu-wide open procedure
outreach coaching under 25 as part of the state’s 2021 training and qualification budget
building cleaning in 04329 leipzig, paunsdorf in 2 lots
external project management
supply of heating technology and cooling systems (22 e 0003)
broadband expansion zv bb lk sha - kirchberg civil engineering and ta
new construction aaseebad ibbenbüren - project management services according to § 6 aho booklet 9
renovation of sports hall, copenhagener str. 5b, 18107 rostock - lot 44 ventilation