Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
testing of mobile electrical devices according to dguv regulation 3
sink cleaning in the city of krefeld
conception and implementation of measures for activation and professional integration - change of perspective - according to § 16 paragraph 1 (sgb ii) in conjunction with § 45 paragraph 1 sentence 1 (sgb iii) for about 12 places in the district of the regional shopping center berlin-brandenburg /saxony-anhalt-thuringia
conception and implementation of the combination of measures activation according to § 45 abs. 1 s.1 sgb iii for approx. 120 participants in the stralsund employment agency district
framework agreement for engineering services in the technical equipment tga-elt for the clinic
conception and implementation of a measure according to § 16 paragraph 1 sgb ii in conjunction with § 45 sgb iii - ways to qualification - for approx. 16 places in the district of the regional shopping center berlin-brandenburg/saxony-anhalt-thuringia
supply of plumber, metal
wilster-burg ge with pss, km 73.919 - 83, 050, route 1210 joint award
swz training center bt-s with swz-kfz workshop bt-r, facade work
delivery, dismantling and assembly of catenary system