Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
project quartier hermeskeiler platz in cologne: open spaces and outdoor facilities
koenigstr. 93 - artists' house/ general renovation - 017.2 locksmith work
new construction of the heating system in the officers' settlement in buchenstrasse - insulation work
carpentry - building elements - windows and doors
niederstetten, herm.-köhl-barracks / army airfield floor coating
new school in esslingen am neckar, scaffolding work
21o90285 pr plauen, freiheitsstr. 2, remodeling and refurbishment
state fire brigade school würzburg, new accommodation building with vehicle hall - ventilation systems
klinikum bremerhaven-reinkenheide, baufeld 1, ve431 lüftungsanlagen
kgs-nord general renovation of the elementary school in königsbrunn-nord ba 2 with hort-3011-01 heating ba2