Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
l816205 modernisierung & umbau laborbereiche, berufliche schule wangen - gas- und wasserinstallation
l816205 modernization & conversion of laboratory areas, vocational school wangen - heat supply systems
new construction of sports hall with outdoor sports area and school yard as well as forecourt and bus station, to 1: lot 05 -
l816205 modernization & conversion of laboratory areas, vocational school wangen - drywall work
complex project gimritzer damm, part of flood relief - measures 117, 117-a halle-saale-loop, a 2021/27
g wes 3 020 1 roofing work
09.4 21e00205 metal construction railing ii 21e00205 - 21540006 cau / new building geosciences
gs and extension skg kru / 314 schreiner i, interior doors ba 3
gs and extension skg kru / 315 flooring ba 3
vocational schools i, ii, vii networking and led - drywall